

2020 Symposium

  • 2020 Symposium Update
    We are working diligently to secure a new official date for the Fall of 2021. An Announcement will be made in the coming weeks with the new Symposium date. We are committed to hosting this event in its full capacity on our new date.

Advocacy News

  • State Advocacy Works!
    State Advocacy Works! Thanks to the collective advocacy of many groups over many months, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed a bill into law that restricts the practice of Step Therapy. Step therapy is when patients are required to try using cheaper drugs in their recovery before “stepping up” to pricier meds. The new law requires…
  • 2023 Symposium Hill Day
    Sharing Patient Stories on the Hill Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator To kickoff this year’s 2023 International Symposium, the advocacy team brought 60 patients and care partners to Capitol Hill for a day of storytelling and advocacy with our lawmakers. Hill Day participants were divided into 11 teams and interacted with over 30 offices…
  • A Capitol Hill Kick-Off for GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    2024 Hill Day Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator  To kick off the first day of GBS|CIDP Awareness month, the Foundation went to Capitol Hill with over 30 volunteers consisting of patients, care partners, health care professionals, and many of our staff. Prior to Hill Day, volunteers participated in a compelling storytelling webinar series to…
  • Advocacy Action Alert: Ask Your Senator to Support Charitable Assistance
    Charitable non-profit patient assistance foundations help thousands of Americans afford their health care every year, particularly those who are living with expensive chronic and rare diseases. Recently, Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota developed a provision that would allow third-party groups (like patient assistance organizations) to pay premiums on the behalf of patients during the…
  • Advocacy from Home in Spring, 2020
    There is no doubt that we are currently living in a time that is unprecedented! I hope that we all find ways to stay safe, comfortable, and optimistic during the COVID-19 pandemic that is happening across the world. We at the Foundation are thinking of you all! Here in the US, we are seeing that…
  • Advocacy On & Off Capitol Hill
    By Chelsey Fix, Advocacy Manager I blinked and it turned into November! It seems like no time at all since we started this important advocacy work during Awareness Month in May, but I have to remind myself that it has been 6 months! Besides the essential work we have done together to advance HR 2905…
  • APLUS Statement on the State of Plasma
    The American Plasma Users Coalition (APLUS) recognizes and applauds the recent statements from the White House that emphasize the importance of plasma and how essential plasma donors are to the healthcare system. This statement rings true for convalescent plasma that may help countless patients battling COVID-19 and is especially true for people all over the…
  • Ask Your Senators to Keep GBS on the DOD PRMRP
    One of the cornerstones of our legislative efforts is securing funds for more research into Guillain-Barre Syndrome. The Department of Defense (DOD) maintains a Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) that funds research exclusive to topics or medical conditions on a list created by a committee in the Senate. Help us keep GBS on the list…
  • August Advocacy
    Every year, Congressional Members take the month of August to spend time in their State or District to learn more about the issues that matter most to the people they represent. This is a great chance to connect with the local office – every Member has at least one office in their State or District…
  • August Update on Advocacy
    By Chelsey Fix Advocacy at Home, Current Cosponsors, and State of the States August heat is baking creativity here at the Foundation, which means that I’ve been looking towards the future and thinking about how we can continue to advocate together on all issues that matter to the GBS|CIDP Patient Community. But before we go…
  • California – Advocates Needed
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is calling for volunteers in California to reach out to Assembly Member Evan Low, the Chair of the Business and Professions Committee, to show support for Assembly Bill 2199. This bill in the California Government will help to improve the plasma collection process in the state and hopefully result in more…
  • Call on Airlines to Respect People with Rare Conditions and their Medical Equipment
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International acknowledges the urgent need for airlines to respect and improve their treatment of people with rare conditions and their medical equipment while at airports and flying. Too often, mobility devices, wheelchairs, and other medical equipment are mishandled or damaged by airline staff due to neglectful treatment and a lack of understanding…
  • Celebrating 34 Years of the ADA with Ralph G. Neas
    An Interview with Ralph G. Neas, GBS and CIDP Written by: Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator Thirty-Four years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. We decided to celebrate the anniversary of this monumental piece of legislation by sitting down with Ralph G. Neas, a key civil rights leader in Washington, who…
  • Congress Recognizes the month of May as GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    On May 27, Congressman Garamendi, recognized the Month of May as GBS|CIDP AWARENESS Month and introduced the Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Act to the House of Representatives. Read full script here Download (PDF)
  • End Of Year Advocacy Recap
    2019 has been a whirlwind of advocacy activity! We launched a new toolkit, a new Advocacy Action Center, reintroduced a Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Bill, and moved our legislative priorities forward. Kudos to all of your hardwork! Before we think about what is in store for 2020 advocacy, let’s get a more detailed update on…
  • Foundation Hosted Patient Listening Session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome with The FDA
    On September 29, 2020, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International organized a patient-led listening session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). More than 30 members of various branches within the FDA logged on to the virtual meeting to hear about patients’ experiences with GBS. The FDA’s role was to listen and learn about what life is like during and…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International Becomes a Member of the National Health Council
    In 2019, The GBS|CIDP Foundation International was honored with a membership to the National Health Council (NHC). The Foundation joins over 140 other organizations, including major pharmaceutical companies, well-known patient support foundations, and respected professional societies, in their Membership. The mission of the NHC is to provide a united voice for the 160 million people…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International continues to work with FDA on GBS|CIDP patient concerns
    After holding a GBS Patient Listening session with the FDA in the Summer of 2020, the Foundation has continued to work with key leadership at the FDA to continue bringing the patient voice to their current work. The FDA holds a very special role in the US healthcare system. Their job is to review and…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International Dedicates October to Advocacy “Month of Action”
    [CONSHOHOCKEN, PA] — GBS|CIDP Foundation International, August 31, 2020 This October, The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is encouraging patients and caregivers affected by Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP,) or variants of the condition such as Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN), to join a virtual “Month of Action” advocacy campaign. Opportunities for participating in “Month…
  • How A Bill Becomes A Law (in the US)
    By Chelsey Fix, Advocacy Manager It’s been over 20 years since Schoolhouse Rock released its last video, which makes me think that we all need a refresher on the process by which a bill becomes a law! As a throwback, enjoy everyone’s favorite Schoolhouse Rock civics lesson by clicking here. As a recap, that I…
  • It’s a wrap for 50 to Forward Advocacy Training 2022
    In 2022, each month, a group of loyal advocates gathered together for an online, interactive, training series.  The monthly sessions were an opportunity for advocates to stay informed of the latest news on H.R. 3808 legislation, network with a team of patients, caregivers and legislation professionals, learn new patient advocacy skills (like effectively telling their…
  • May is GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    May of 2020 has brought unprecedented challenges and changes, the world over. We hope you find comfort in knowing that the GBS|CIDP Foundation has made every effort to continue to Educate our patients in new and innovative ways.
  • Medicare and Home Infusion IVIg: What You Need to Know
    By: Chelsey Fix Medicare is confusing – that’s a fact! Add the confusing Medicare system on top of a complex treatment for a rare disease, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The Foundation is here to help all of our patients navigate health insurance headaches! For now this article explains the current Medicare situation for…
  • NEW Bill in Congress Aims to Help Improve Access to Home Infusion IVIG for CIDP and MMN Patients, HR 3808
    As a result of the community coming together this year, the Foundation is proud to share the wonderful news that our Congressional champions, led by Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Congressman G.K. Butterfield, and Congressman Chris Smith, have introduced a new bill that aims to help improve coverage of home infusion of IVIG for CIDP and MMN…
  • Plasma Awareness Event at Meredith College 
    Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator To recognize International Plasma Awareness Week and educate their community about the need for plasma donations, students and staff at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina held a Project Plasma awareness event on October 4th. Meredith’s Marketing and Communications Office and Student Wellness Organization hosted a tabling event where…
  • Rare Disease Day 2024
    Rare Disease Day: February 29, 2024 About Rare Disease Day Launched by EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe in 2008, Rare Disease Day is a patient-led international awareness campaign that brings people together in solidarity with the 300 million patients impacted by rare diseases worldwide. In 2009, Rare Disease Day became a global event when The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) officially sponsored the celebration in the United States.  GET INVOLVED!…
  • September Hill Visit
    In anticipation of the Foundation’s most recent iteration of our Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Act being introduced in the House of Representatives in the coming days, Foundation staff Chelsey Fix and Ellie Herman went down to Capitol Hill for a day of on-the-ground advocacy. Joined by Health and Medicine Counsel staff, they met with 6…
  • Tell Congress Why Plasma Is Essential
    For many people, IVIG and SCIG is an amazing, life-saving medication! IVIG and SCIG are immunoglobulin therapies created from source plasma. Source plasma is donated from healthy volunteers at one of many plasma collection centers across the country. People who donate plasma are everyday heroes and we thank them for their time and contribution!  Currently,…
  • We Have The Best Advocates!
    By Chelsey Fix, Advocacy Manager This May, the GBS|CIDP community took Awareness Month to a whole new level! Patients and caregivers were encouraged to be their own best advocate by joining a congressional letter writing campaign (perhaps you read about it on our lively social media channels?!).  As the last day of GBS|CIDP awareness month…
  • Welcome to Fall Advocacy
    Congressional Recess officially ended on September 9th, and the Northeast is already seeing leaves fall from the trees (no color change, yet). Now that Washington, D.C. is back to being fully operational, we have a lot of great things to report on! Check out our highlights below, and stay up to date with all things…
  • Welcome, New Congress!
    As we kicked off 2021 full of hope for the future, we also welcomed a new Congress to Capitol Hill. The 117th Congress first convened on January 3, 2021, and now that they are settled in, we believe it is time for the GBS|CIDP and variants community to reach out and introduce our Representative and…
  • Wrap Up With A Win – Awareness Month’s Advocacy Week Brings Legislative Victories
    Our 2020 May Awareness Month went digital this year, but that did not stop nearly 100 advocates across the US from participating in virtual advocacy through the Advocacy Action Center. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to create a letter for Members of Congress. Together, we make our voices heard by lawmakers and…


  • Call on Airlines to Respect People with Rare Conditions and their Medical Equipment
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International acknowledges the urgent need for airlines to respect and improve their treatment of people with rare conditions and their medical equipment while at airports and flying. Too often, mobility devices, wheelchairs, and other medical equipment are mishandled or damaged by airline staff due to neglectful treatment and a lack of understanding…
  • Foundation Hosted Patient Listening Session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome with The FDA
    On September 29, 2020, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International organized a patient-led listening session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). More than 30 members of various branches within the FDA logged on to the virtual meeting to hear about patients’ experiences with GBS. The FDA’s role was to listen and learn about what life is like during and…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month The GBS|CIDP Foundation International proudly announces that the Philadelphia skyline will be illuminated in blue and green on May 21st in honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month. The buildings participating are: Subaru of America, Peco, Cira Center, and 1735 Market. The…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International Named to the 2016 Classy 100
    GBS|CIDP Foundation International Named to the 2016 Classy 100 Recognized as a consistent growing nonprofit on the leading online fundraising platform in 2016   Narberth, Pennsylvania –  GBS|CIDP Foundation International made this year’s Classy 100 list, an annual compilation of the growing nonprofits on Classy, the world’s leading online fundraising platform for social enterprises. Classy…
  • Plasma Awareness Event at Meredith College 
    Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator To recognize International Plasma Awareness Week and educate their community about the need for plasma donations, students and staff at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina held a Project Plasma awareness event on October 4th. Meredith’s Marketing and Communications Office and Student Wellness Organization hosted a tabling event where…
  • Rare Disease Day 2020
    Giving Hope to our Global Rare Community for #Rarediseaseday Rare Disease Day (RDD) takes place on the last day of February each year. The main objective of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. This year the GBS|CIDP Foundation International has several RDD activities…

Care Partner

  • How Do We Care for the Caregiver?
    How do we care for the caregiver? GBS, CIDP, and variants such as MMN, not only affect patients but can have a huge impact on the entire family. Primary caregivers are so focused on caring for the patient, and often barely have time to notice that their own lives have been turned upside (and sideways)…
  • Self-Care for CarePartners: What? Why? How?
    Self-Care for CarePartners: What? Why? How? On our website, the Foundation reminds GBS|CIDP CarePartners that no one can prepare you for the challenges you will face.  Though this journey is stressful, there are things you can do to help you manage.  One of the most important is taking care of yourself.  What is self-care?  …

CIDP Clinical Trials

  • CIDP ARISE Clinical Trial
    Have you been diagnosed with CIDP? A clinical research study (ARISE) is now enrolling to evaluate an investigational medication. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a rare disease where thebody’s natural defenses, like antibodies, attack the covering of the nerves, called myelin,and damage nerve function. While symptoms aren’t the same for everyone, CIDP canmake your…
  • Mobilize Clinical Trial for CIDP
    Mobilize Clinical Trial for CIDP What is the purpose of this study? We want to understand whether the study medicine can improve the symptoms of CIDP and their impact on daily activities. You may be able to join the study if you meet these and other criteria:Are at least 18 years of age What happens…
  • Vitalize, CIDP Clinical Trial
    Vitalize What is the purpose of this study? We want to understand whether the study medicine can improve the symptoms of CIDP and their impact ondaily activities. You may be able to join the study if you meet these and other criteria: Are at least 18 years of age: The study lasts about 2 years…

Clinical Trials

  • [On Demand Webinar] Living With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)? Why Your Participation in Trials Matters!
    Now Available on Demand Join a neurologist, patient advocate and person with MMN for our on-demand webinar: Living With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy? Why Your Participation in Trials Matters! You will learn how observational, investigational, and clinical trials can benefit people with MMN. Plus, you will find out how you can enroll in specific ongoing trials….
  • ARDA Multifocal Motor Neuropathy Study Clinical Trial
    ARDA Multifocal Motor Neuropathy Study The ARDA study is designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of the investigational study drug compared to a placebo for the treatment of adults living with MMN. Participants enrolled in the study will be randomly assigned by a computer to either receive the investigational drug or a placebo. Participants…
  • CIDP ARISE Clinical Trial
    Have you been diagnosed with CIDP? A clinical research study (ARISE) is now enrolling to evaluate an investigational medication. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a rare disease where thebody’s natural defenses, like antibodies, attack the covering of the nerves, called myelin,and damage nerve function. While symptoms aren’t the same for everyone, CIDP canmake your…
  • International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS) Clinical Trial
    International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS) The international GBS Outcome Study (IGOS) is the largest and longest prospective trial designed to collect extensive data from patients afflicted with GBS in a systematic manner. The aim is to collect information from patients by intensive international collaboration. All patients are followed at standard intervals from the earliest…
  • Mobilize Clinical Trial for CIDP
    Mobilize Clinical Trial for CIDP What is the purpose of this study? We want to understand whether the study medicine can improve the symptoms of CIDP and their impact on daily activities. You may be able to join the study if you meet these and other criteria:Are at least 18 years of age What happens…
  • Vitalize, CIDP Clinical Trial
    Vitalize What is the purpose of this study? We want to understand whether the study medicine can improve the symptoms of CIDP and their impact ondaily activities. You may be able to join the study if you meet these and other criteria: Are at least 18 years of age: The study lasts about 2 years…

coffee chat

  • “You Can’t Have a Disorder, You Look So Good” Coffee Chat
    On June 22, 2021, we held our monthly Coffee Chat with over 26 of our members in attendance. The discussion was centered around the theme of “You Can’t Have a Disorder, You Look So Good,” whereby members opened up about the struggles of living a life with an “internal” illness, that is not always visible…
  • Patients, Caregivers Connect for June Coffee Chat
    Everyone has different ways of coping with GBS, CIDP and variants, and it can definitely be a struggle when you look completely healthy on the outside. Some people will certainly be judgmental at times, not understand the severity of the disease or even in some cases think that the person is exaggerating their symptoms. With…
  • Tips and Tricks for Traveling
    The Coffee Chat, Tips and Tricks for Traveling, hosted by Foundation staff members Kelly McCoy and Lori Besiege, offered valuable support on how to navigate the challenges that may arise while you are on a plane, train, or bus with a neurological condition that may cause mobility issues. Whether you are traveling to our International…

Community News

  • 2016 Walk & Roll Announcement!
    Our 2016 Walk & Roll season is officially in the beginning stages! We are so excited for what this year has in store for us! One major announcement is the addition of a new staff member –  our new Walk & Roll Coordinator! Please give a big, warm, Foundation welcome to our new Walk & Roll…
  • 2024 MMN Research Grant Announcement
    In 2022, the Foundation embarked on fundraising endeavors aimed at research dedicated to advancing treatments and diagnostics for Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN). We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our community for their unwavering support and contributions during MMN Awareness Month this February. Thanks to these collective efforts, and to the innovative research being conducted in…
  • A Capitol Hill Kick-Off for GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    2024 Hill Day Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator  To kick off the first day of GBS|CIDP Awareness month, the Foundation went to Capitol Hill with over 30 volunteers consisting of patients, care partners, health care professionals, and many of our staff. Prior to Hill Day, volunteers participated in a compelling storytelling webinar series to…
  • A Practical Guide to Identify Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, a Treatable Immune-Mediated Neuropathy
    A Practical Guide to Identify Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, a Treatable Immune-Mediated Neuropathy Click here to view the article Published by PubMed on January 8, 2024.
  • Andrew Harris, GBS survivor, creates fundraising event in Maine
    Andrew Harris, a GBS survivor, has combined his passion for beer with a desire to assist others facing the challenges of GBS to make a successful fundraiser at Mast Landing Brewery in Maine. Moved by Andrew’s courageous battle, Mast Landing Brewery crafted a signature beer in his honor, symbolizing solidarity and support for individuals affected…
  • Annexon Announces Positive Topline Results from Pivotal Phase 3 Trial for First-in-Class C1q Blocking Antibody ANX005 in Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    “For nearly 30 years there has been quite literally no advancement in treatments for GBS. This research update, including the participation of two of the founding fathers of our global medical advisor board, offers incredible promise and hope for the GBS community.” –Lisa Butler, Executive Director, GBS|CIDP Foundation International Check back often as we will…
  • Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance
    Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance Written by: Amy Stein, MSW, LCSW, Health Navigator During my years of working as a social worker in hospitals, a common question among my patients was “should I apply for disability?”  There is no “one answer fits all” reply to this question.  Did the patient mean a disability policy…
  • Argenx Announces FDA Approval of VYVGART Hytrulo for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
    Argenx announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved VYVGART Hytrulo for treating adult patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). For more information on this new treatment, click here.
  • Breaking Down Barriers: Medicare Options for Infusion and Specialty Therapies
    Palmetto Infusion Patient Advocate Chrissie Jenkins, LISW-CP, and Medicare Benefits Counselor and Pharmacist Jerilyn Arneson, PharmD, BCOP break down the complexities of Medicare options in this webinar, offering essential tips and tools specifically tailored for those undergoing infusion or specialty therapy treatments.
  • Brenda, Making the Most of Now with her Rollator
    Brenda Perales is a patient of Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) and has been associated with the MMN community and Foundation for several years. During her journey with MMN, she always felt stressed whenever she had to walk alone for more than 100 feet. This was true whether she was walking through the halls of the…
  • Call on Airlines to Respect People with Rare Conditions and their Medical Equipment
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International acknowledges the urgent need for airlines to respect and improve their treatment of people with rare conditions and their medical equipment while at airports and flying. Too often, mobility devices, wheelchairs, and other medical equipment are mishandled or damaged by airline staff due to neglectful treatment and a lack of understanding…
  • Celebrating 34 Years of the ADA with Ralph G. Neas
    An Interview with Ralph G. Neas, GBS and CIDP Written by: Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator Thirty-Four years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. We decided to celebrate the anniversary of this monumental piece of legislation by sitting down with Ralph G. Neas, a key civil rights leader in Washington, who…
  • Celebrating a One Year Anniversary this Rare Disease Day!
    Rare Disease Day 2020 marks a very special anniversary for the entire GBS|CIDP community. The Foundation is pleased to report that is has been one year since the launch of our GBS|CIDP Patient Registry!
  • CIDP Assistance Funds – Now Open for Enrollment!
    CIDP Assistance Funds – Now Open for Enrollment! The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is excited to announce funding opportunities for individuals living with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). A special thanks to the generous supporters of these funds. If you’re interested, please review the eligibility criteria below. We encourage you to apply even if these programs…
  • CIDP Disease Burden — Results of a US Nationwide Patient Survey
    In 2017, a nationwide survey of US CIDP patients was conducted to assess the impact of disease-related disability and treatment on lifestyle and work activities. Approximately 3250 individuals aged ≥18 years, recruited by the GBS|CIDP Foundation and self-reported to have CIDP, were invited to complete an online survey; of these, 475 completed the survey and…
  • Clovis Walk & Roll Breaks its Own Record!
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is delighted to share this important Walk & Roll update! On March 9 at Dry Creek Park in Clovis, California, GBS volunteer and Clovis Walk Chairman, Robert Vasquez hosted yet another exciting Walk & Roll fundraising event with a record-breaking 320 walkers in attendance!  Thus far the event has raised $10,356…
  • Clovis, CA Walk & Roll Chair in the News
    On March 4, the Fresno BEE published “Rare illness left this Clovis man paralyzed. Now he’s helping others,” featuring GBS|CIDP Foundation’s volunteer, Rob Vasquez of Clovis, CA.  The Clovis Walk & Roll, March 9, hosted by Rob, is the first of the 2019 Walk & Roll season! See Fresno Bee Video and Article
  • Coping with School & Treatment Plan for GBS|CIDP
    By Megan Kaump A diagnosis of GBS, CIDP, or variants is frightening and devastating for anyone, but when a child is diagnosed it adds a very different set of emotions and experiences. It is heart- breaking to see your child go through such challenges and there is the added component of how the child’s schooling…
  • CSL Behring Announces FDA Approval of Privigen®
    CSL Behring Announces FDA Approval of Privigen® [Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10% Liquid] for the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) in Adults KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., Sept. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Global biotherapeutics leader CSL Behring today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Privigen® [Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10% Liquid] for the treatment of…
  • Early Detection and Diagnosis of CIDP
    Early Detection and Diagnosis of CIDP Discover firsthand insights from CIDP patient and Foundation staff Kelly McCoy, alongside GMAB members Chafic Karam, MD and Jeff Allen, MD, as they share their experiences in this informative article. Early detection is crucial in managing CIDP, and their stories shed light on the importance of timely diagnosis. Let’s…
  • Executive Director, Lisa Butler discusses legislation, for patients on Medicare, with NHC
    Executive Director, Lisa Butler discusses legislation, for patients on Medicare, with NHC. Full article here:
  • FDA Has Approved New Treatment Options for CIDP Patients
    FDA has approved both Takeda’s HYQVIA, a new maintenance therapy for patients with CIDP, and GAMMAGARD LIQUID®. The Foundation advocates for access to all products at all points of care. As always, the Foundation recommends consulting with your physician when exploring new treatment options.   More information at our HYQVIA Treatment and Access Page: Approval…
  • First Annual Dr. Arthur Asbury Endowment Lecture
    We are honored to announce the first annual Dr. Arthur Asbury Endowment Lecture, sponsored by the GBS|CIDP Foundation International. This first lecture regarding the rare neuromuscular conditions of GBS, CIDP and MMN, will be presented by Dr. Jeffrey Allen of the University of Minnesota, on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at the Penn Neuromuscular Symposium, Perelman…
  • Foundation Advocacy Update
    In March, the GBS/CIDP Foundation International hosted our 2013 Advocacy Capitol Hill Day. We were joined by patient advocates and their family members from throughout the United States, from Maryland to Hawaii.
  • Foundation Co-hosts Open House with Bryn Mawr Rehab
    In July of 2023, the Foundation co-hosted an Open House with Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital in Malvern, PA.  GBS and CIDP patients in attendance received a guided tour of the facility from the PT and OT’s, as well as a demonstration of adaptive devices and recreational therapies. The feedback from our community has been very…
  • Foundation Holds Event at Local Rehabilitation Hospital
    Bryn Mawr Rehab Foundation Event On September 24, 2024, Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital in Malvern, PA hosted an Open House for our local patient community.  Moderated by Maria Harris, DPT, PT with Main Line Health, the event showcased the state-of-the-art facility and their commitment to creating a comprehensive rehabilitation program for each patient.  Attendees were…
  • GBS Cluster on US-Mexico Border
    In late July of 2011, Reuters published an article on the Arizona Department of Health Services reporting of a cluster of 24 cases of GBS in Yuma County. It is located in far western Arizona and neighboring San Luis Rio Colorado, in Mexico’s northern Sonora state. Even though an earlier article on had reported…
  • GBS patient share his story with the New York Post
    Michael Ring, a determined GBS warrior who has turned his personal struggle into an inspiring journey of resilience. Diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), he faced incredible physical challenges that could have ended his marathon dreams. But instead of giving up, he pushed through, reclaiming his strength step by step. Now, he’s sharing his story with…
  • GBS Patient, Michael Ring, Interviews with Local TV Station
    Inspiring stories of resilience remind us of the human spirit’s strength. One such story is that of a Brooklyn man, Michael Ring, diagnosed with GBS who defied the odds to return to his passion for running. Michael was featured on News 12 The Bronx, showcasing his incredible journey from the early stages of his diagnosis…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month The GBS|CIDP Foundation International proudly announces that the Philadelphia skyline will be illuminated in blue and green on May 21st in honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month. The buildings participating are: Subaru of America, Peco, Cira Center, and 1735 Market. The…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Hosts a Virtual Summit
    Back by popular demand, our 2024 Virtual Summit, on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th, will feature a wide range of educational panels and presentations, as recorded at the 2023 Washington, DC Patient Symposium. The Virtual Summit is a FREE and easy-access one-day event, showcasing the best practices for navigating the journey through GBS,…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International Named 4-Star Charity Navigator Charity for Sixth Consecutive Year!
              Dear Lisa Butler: On behalf of Charity Navigator, I wish to congratulate GBS|CIDP Foundation International on attaining the coveted4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. The nonprofit sector is advancing and expanding. As our organizations evolve, so do the desires and interests of our…
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
    Now@NEJM The New England Journal of Medicine posts Clinical Pearls, Morning Report Questions, and free access to an article on the current understanding, diagnosis, and management of GBS. Read the blog now
  • Infusion Nurse Joins 2018 Symposium Team of Presenters
    Infusion nurse, Amy Clarke will be joining our roster of 2018 Symposium presenters with a brand new session, All About Infusion. She will be discussing the infusion process from A to Z, and is happy answer all of your questions. You will leave the Symposium feeling informed and comfortable with treatment options, plans and procedures,…
  • Inspiring the Next Generation of Research at the GBS|CIDP Foundation International Patient Symposium  
    As part of the 2023 International Patient Symposium, the Foundation was thrilled to welcome seven young medical professionals – ranging from those in their residency to those finishing their Ph.D. – to join the conference and learn from our Global Medical Advisory Board and from the patient community. These young professionals attended sessions, facilitated Q&A’s,…
  • IVIG Access Critical to Those With Neurological Disorders
    This article is written by Ed Gdula, the director of advocacy for the GBS-CIDP Foundation. It discusses IVIG access and its importance to those with rare neurological disorders, including GBS and CIDP. Read full article.
  • May Awareness Proclamation
    The Foundation’s Regional Directors, Merrilyn Macurak and Rick Forney are raising awareness in Virginia and Conway, South Carolina! See the official “Proclamation.” Way to go Rick and Merrilyn!
  • Navigating Financial Assistance and Insurance: Your Comprehensive Guide
    Navigating Financial Assistance and Insurance: Your Comprehensive Guide Managing the financial aspects of chronic conditions like Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) can be overwhelming. Our Financial Assistance and Insurance Resources portal at the GBS|CIDP Foundation International offers invaluable guidance to navigate this complex landscape with confidence. Understanding Your Coverage: Our portal…
  • New England Disabled Sports – Adaptive Sports Opportunity
    New England Disabled Sports (NEDS) is a nonprofit organization based in New Hampshire. They provide expert adaptive sports instruction to adults and children with physical and cognitive disabilities. NEDS aims to ensure that every individual, regardless of their ability, has the opportunity to participate in sports and recreation activities. For more information visit
  • New Guidelines from AAN
    The American Academy of Neurology recently published new guidelines, “Intravenous Immunoglobulin in the Treatment of Neuromuscular Disorders” on the efficacy of IVIg treatments in GBS, CIDP, MMN, and other neuromuscular disorder patients.
  • New Treatment for MMN Patients
    Baxter International Inc. announces that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first immunoglobulin treatment for Multifocal Motor Neuropathy patients in the United States. Click here to learn more.
  • Nobuhiro Yuki’s Study
    Read more about Nobuhiro Yuki’s study to understand the pathogenesis of GBS in “Guillain-Barre Syndrome and anti-ganglioside antibodies: a clinician-scientist’s journey.”
  • Outcome and Its Predictors in GBS
    The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry published an article for GBS patients and families on who is most likely to improve after treatment for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Read the full study or the lay summary.
  • People With Rare Diseases Face a Host of Unique Challenges
    By Dennis Jackman, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, CSL Behring People with rare and serious medical disorders encounter a host of unique challenges–from obtaining a correct diagnosis, to identifying an appropriate course of treatment and gaining affordable access to the care they need. They and their families, caretakers and health care providers face a constant struggle to identify…
  • Plasma Awareness Event at Meredith College 
    Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator To recognize International Plasma Awareness Week and educate their community about the need for plasma donations, students and staff at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina held a Project Plasma awareness event on October 4th. Meredith’s Marketing and Communications Office and Student Wellness Organization hosted a tabling event where…
  • Privigen Shows Improved Function for CIDP Patient
    CSL Behring reports that data presented from the Privigen Impact on Mobility and Autonomy (PRIMA) trial at the Peripheral Nerve Society Inflammatory Neuropathy Consortium Meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands, suggests that treatment with Privigen®, an intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), may lead to improvement in function in CIDP patients. Click here to learn more.
  • Rare Disease Day 2024
    Rare Disease Day: February 29, 2024 About Rare Disease Day Launched by EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe in 2008, Rare Disease Day is a patient-led international awareness campaign that brings people together in solidarity with the 300 million patients impacted by rare diseases worldwide. In 2009, Rare Disease Day became a global event when The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) officially sponsored the celebration in the United States.  GET INVOLVED!…
  • Research Poster Opportunity for GBS, CIDP, MMN Patient Symposium
    We Invite You to Participate! As valued members of our medical community, we would like to inform you and your colleagues in training, residents, and fellows of a special opportunity to participate in the 2023 GBS|CIDP Foundation Patient Symposium, October 5-7 in Alexandria, VA. Poster Request Drs. Jeffrey Allen and Bart Jacobs, as Chair and…
  • September Hill Visit
    In anticipation of the Foundation’s most recent iteration of our Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Act being introduced in the House of Representatives in the coming days, Foundation staff Chelsey Fix and Ellie Herman went down to Capitol Hill for a day of on-the-ground advocacy. Joined by Health and Medicine Counsel staff, they met with 6…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Current Treatments and Emerging Trials for GBS, CIDP, and MMN”
    Speaker Series – Episode 12 Summary In this Speaker Series episode, Dr. Jeffery Allen educates us about the current treatments for GBS, CIDP, and MMN as well as explain current trials and their findings. Dr. Allen is an associate professor of neurology at the University of Minnesota, adjunct faculty at Northwestern University, and the chairman…
  • Special Symposium Discount Extended to September 1, 2018!
    Join Us! November 1-3 2018! Symposium 2018 will feature a wide array of presentations and workshops led by our best medical professionals, and will offer a unique opportunity for those affected by GBS, CIDP, and variants to meet with other patients and families from around the world. Register Now
  • Statement from GMAB, GBS in Mexico.
    GBS is a rare immune disorder that damages peripheral nerves (that is, nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord).  In most people GBS is triggered by exposure to an infectious illness, and the most frequently encountered infectious illness is a gastrointestinal infection known as Campylobacter jejuni. Campylobacter jejuni is commonly transmitted through food, particularly undercooked poultry…
  • Statement regarding GBS alert in Peru
    Statement regarding GBS alert in Peru July 10, 2023 The Foundation and its Global Medical Advisory Board are aware that Peru has issued a statement of emergency due to an increase in cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome. Please know we are here for you and the GBS|CIDP Foundation International is committed to addressing your concerns…
  • Taking Volunteering to the Next Level
    Taking Volunteering to the Next Level The Foundation volunteers are taking volunteering to a whole new level! Don’t miss a chance to tune into what our current volunteers are doing in the community. There is no greater force than like-minds joining together for a common mission to change lives. The Foundation volunteers continue to play…
  • The GBS|CIDP Foundation joins the Critical Medicines Alliance
    The Critical Medicines Alliance The GBS|CIDP Foundation International recently joined the Critical Medicines Alliance, an initiative launched by the European Commission for the next 5 years. The objective of the Alliance is “to serve as a consultative body to identify priorities for action and propose solutions to strengthen the supply of critical medicines in the European Union,…
  • The Largest Survey of CIDP Patients Published in July 2011
    RESEARCH IS CRITICAL TO SERVING THE CAUSE & THE COMMUNITY The Largest Survey of CIDP Patients Published in July 2011 A survey was mailed to 2,400 of our patient members in December 2010. The results and conclusion were compelling, and supported what specialists have suspected in recent years. Read below for all the details. Demographics…
  • The Mystery of CIDP Podcast
    Ellen Schecter, an award-winning writer takes us through a time when she felt her life was shattered by this painful disease, and then shares how she was able to forge a new life filled with personal discovery and success. Neurologist and Johns Hopkins expert Dr. David Cornblath also sheds light on this mysterious disorder and…
  • Tips and Tricks for Traveling
    The Coffee Chat, Tips and Tricks for Traveling, hosted by Foundation staff members Kelly McCoy and Lori Besiege, offered valuable support on how to navigate the challenges that may arise while you are on a plane, train, or bus with a neurological condition that may cause mobility issues. Whether you are traveling to our International…
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) team joins the Birmingham Walk & Roll event
    University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) team joins the Birmingham Walk & Roll event The GBS|CIDP Foundation International team was honored to have the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) team join us for the Birmingham Walk & Roll event. Thanks to Foundation staff member, Lori, for her pivotal role in connecting with Eroboghene Ubogu…
  • Update on COVID-19 Vaccine
    This statement is provided by the GBS|CIDP Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board.  We also encourage you to contact your healthcare provider about whether it would be a good idea for you to have a COVID-19 vaccine. There has been much discussion about COVID-19 vaccines for individuals who are “immunocompromised.” GBS and CIDP and immune-mediated disorders….
  • Volunteer spreads awareness in local hospitals
    There is no greater force than like-minds joining together for a common mission to change lives. The Foundation volunteers continue to play an active role in our community by raising awareness of GBS, CIDP, MMN, and the Foundation resources. Ray Lopez, Boca Raton Liaison, has made it his mission to visit local hospitals and share…
  • Why Rare Conditions Deserve Attention and Recognition as a Global Health Concern
    As Rare Disease Day is approaching, CSL Behring is in touch with leaders of patient advocacy groups to explain why rare conditions deserve attention and recognition as a global health concern. Click here to read what Lisa Butler, the Executive Director of GBS|CIDP Foundation, and other nonprofits have to say. Having any disease can be…

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • A Statement from Executive Director, Lisa Butler, with regard to COVID-19 and Planning Ahead
    We are all in this together, and the GBS|CIDP Foundation International will make every effort to keep our community informed and updated.
  • A statement from the GBS|CIDP Foundation regarding the COVID-19
    The coronavirus COVID-19 situation is evolving rapidly. In the interest of concerns and questions that the Foundation is receiving regarding the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, the GBS|CIDP Global Medical Advisory Boards offers the following statement: GBS, CIDP and variants will not put patients at any higher risk of contracting the COVID-19, but those who…
  • Advocating for Plasma Donations and Home Infusion
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International recently led the American Plasma Users Coalition (APLUS) in creating a letter to federal and state agencies regarding two important topics to our community: plasma donations and home infusion. The Foundation and APLUS want to make sure that lawmakers are aware that plasma collection centers are considered “essential” according to the…
  • An Open Letter to Dr. A.S. Fauci, Director NIAID, NIH
    (Please see the following open letter statement authored by members of the GBS|CIDP Foundation International medical community as referenced.) As clinician/scientists who have spent careers studying GBS, we are concerned that your statement on the “New Normal” television show about GBS and the COVID vaccine will have unintended consequences. Your statement is already all over…
  • APLUS Statement on the State of Plasma
    The American Plasma Users Coalition (APLUS) recognizes and applauds the recent statements from the White House that emphasize the importance of plasma and how essential plasma donors are to the healthcare system. This statement rings true for convalescent plasma that may help countless patients battling COVID-19 and is especially true for people all over the…
  • Ask The Experts Episode 9 – COVID-19 Vaccines and the GBS|CIDP Community
    Ask The Experts Episode 9 – COVID-19 Vaccines and the GBS|CIDP CommunityFeaturing Dr. Peter Donofrio, Chairman of the Global Medical Advisory Board
  • COVID-19 FAQ from GBS|CIDP & Variant Community
    Informing our GBS|CIDP Foundation community is our top priority.  This week we have received a number of questions regarding COVID-19 through email, phone calls, and our social media channels.  Two of the primary concerns are addressed below. The answers are provided by the GBS|CIDP Foundation International Global Medical Advisory Board. As we continue to navigate…
  • COVID-19 Vaccines and the GBS|CIDP Community
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation has received many questions about COVID-19 and its relationship to Guillain-Barré syndrome and CIDP.
  • Covid19, Ask the Expert
    COVID-19 Ask the Experts with Dr. Ken Gorson, part of our educational series featuring medical experts from the Foundation’s Global Medical Advisory Board.
  • Dr. A.S. Fauci Corrects Previous Statement Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines & GBS
    As a follow up to the Foundation’s published article from Dec. 20, 2020, “An Open Letter to Dr. A.S. Fauci, Director NIAID, NIH,” on January 15, 2021, Neurology Today published the following article “No Excess Risk for Neurologic Events Observed to Date from COVID-19 Vaccines.”   Read the full article…
  • FDA approved package insert for Pfizer-Biontech COVID-19 vaccine, no mention of GBS as risk
    This information is a public document and has been forwarded to the Foundations by our key opinion leaders in the GBS medical community. Of note, there is no mention of GBS in the vaccine insert, not as a risk nor as a vaccine to avoid for those who have had GBS or CIDP or are…
  • FDA Warning for Guillain–Barre Syndrome and the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
    A Statement from the Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board The Washington Post and New York Times published on July 12, 2021 articles of a report by the FDA regarding cases of purported GBS after receiving the Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine.  Approximately 100 reports of suspected GBS were experienced by 12.8 million subjects who…
  • Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board statement on COVID vaccines for CIDP and MMN
    No instances of CIDP or MMN were seen during clinical trials of the two vaccines. Neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nor the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends against administration of the Covid 19 vaccine in patients with CIDP or MMN. One must keep in mind that the Covid Vaccine has…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation staff & patients collaborate with FDA
    By Lisa Butler In 2020 as the Foundation worked with the FDA, for the first time, what I feel is most notable – and praiseworthy –  is their straightforward adherence to science, and their tremendous efforts to bring the patient perspective into the decision-making process. I feel even more confident in the leadership of the…
  • Global Medical Advisory Board (GMAB) Statement on Vaccines
    COVID19 vaccines are different from flu vaccines. We are not seeing evidence that COVID19 vaccines are more likely to cause GBS, even in individuals who have had GBS brought on by other vaccines. Therefore, we do not see prior GBS as a reason not to get a COVID19 vaccine. 
  • Global Plasma Leaders Collaborate to Accelerate Development of Potential COVID-19 Hyperimmune Therapy
    Partnership brings together world-leading plasma companies to focus on developing and delivering a hyperimmune immunoglobulin in the global fight against COVID-19.
  • GMAB Statement on Vaccine Boosters and the GBS|CIDP Community
    This statement is provided by the GBS|CIDP Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board.  We also encourage you to contact your healthcare provider about whether it would be a good idea for you to have a third COVID19 vaccine dose. There has been much discussion about third shots or “booster shots” of certain COVID19 vaccines for individuals…
  • Grifols Announces Formal Collaboration with US Government to Produce the First Treatment Specifically Targeting COVID-19
    Grifols Announces Formal Collaboration with US Government to Produce the First Treatment Specifically Targeting COVID-19
  • May is GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    May of 2020 has brought unprecedented challenges and changes, the world over. We hope you find comfort in knowing that the GBS|CIDP Foundation has made every effort to continue to Educate our patients in new and innovative ways.
  • New Study Reveals No Association Between COVID-19 and Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    A UK based epidemiological study, linked below, has found no causal association between COVID-19 infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome. This means that GBS developing at the same time or close to that of COVID-19 is most likely coincidental.
  • NHC Webinar – Coronavirus Preparedness for People with Chronic Diseases Webinar
    COVID-19 is causing significant concerns globally. Watch a recording of this March 13 Webinar produced by the National Health Council, for patients with chronic diseases. The webinar discusses how patients can best avoid the illness, and what to do if they feel sick. Watch Webinar here or visit NHC website for more information.
  • NHC Webinar – Coronavirus Preparedness for People with Chronic Diseases, What Caregivers Need to Know
    COVID-19 is causing significant concerns globally. Watch a recording of this March 27 Webinar produced by the National Health Council, for caregivers of patients with chronic diseases. The webinar discusses how caregivers can best avoid the illness and care for themselves while also helping those who are not well.
  • Persons who have previously had GBS may receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
    Adults of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may be administered to people with underlying medical conditions provided they have not had a severe allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in the vaccine. The following information aims to help people in the…
  • Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for children ages 5 through 11 years
    On October 29, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 to include children ages 5 through 11 years.  The vaccine was studied in approximately 3,100 children aged 5 through 11, without reported serious side effects. No cases of myocarditis occurred during…
  • Rate of Recurrent Guillain-Barré Syndrome After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine
    Read the full article, Rate of Recurrent Guillain-Barré Syndrome After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2, (Jama Neurology).
  • Resource from PPTA Regarding COVID-19
    The Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA) has provided a statement specific to plasma protein therapies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. CLICK HERE to read the statement. The PPTA notes that their Pathogen Safety Steering Committee continues to monitor the situation and is currently working on a broader update for the community. We will share these…
  • Statement from Professor Lunn in Reference to Newest Research on COVID-19, GBS, and Vaccines
    In reaction to recent research published in Brain (click here to read more), Professor Lunn has offered this guidance in regards to our community.
  • Statement on Vaccines and GBS
    Statement on Vaccines and GBS June 18, 2021 There is no evidence at the present time to suggest that ANY of the vaccines is associated with GBS in any significant numbers (with data only on AZ, Pfizer and Moderna from the UK). Multiple international surveillance systems are looking specifically for GBS as it is designated…
  • The COVID-19 Rare Disease Critical Needs Non-Medical Assistance Fund from The National Organization of Rare Disorders
    The National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) launched a COVID-19 Critical Relief Program to provide much-needed assistance to members of the rare community affected by the current pandemic. The program provides financial relief that may be utilized to support critical, non-medical needs.  The COVID-19 Critical Needs Non-Medical Assistance Fund provides eligible individuals impacted by the…
  • Third dose of Vaccination for Immune Suppressed Patients
    Third dose of Vaccination for Immune Suppressed Patients August 19, 2021 A statement from our Global Medical Advisory Board On August 12th, the FDA authorized that a third dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) may be given to patients who are moderately or severely immunocompromised.  Patients who are considered immune-suppressed are those who…
  • Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) – March 19th
    Dear GBS|CIDP Community, We know that this is a challenging time for everyone as the news of the pandemic is evolving each day. Please know we are here for you and the GBS|CIDP Foundation International is committed to addressing your concerns as accurately and efficiently as possible. A number of our members have reached out…
  • Update on COVID-19 Vaccine
    This statement is provided by the GBS|CIDP Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board.  We also encourage you to contact your healthcare provider about whether it would be a good idea for you to have a COVID-19 vaccine. There has been much discussion about COVID-19 vaccines for individuals who are “immunocompromised.” GBS and CIDP and immune-mediated disorders….
  • Update on Home Infusion & Medicare During COVID-19 Pandemic
    Earlier this week, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new guidelines for the coverage of home infusion during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new guidelines allow for more flexibility for patients and their physicians to decide the best setting for ongoing treatments. Given your current situation, you may be able to access home…
  • What is Convalescent Plasma?
    By Dr. David Saperstein Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) play an important role in health and illness. Many of you regularly receive intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) to treat your autoimmune disease. Flooding a person’s system with antibodies from normal, healthy individuals can reverse problems caused by abnormally overactive immune systems. However, providing antibodies that fight a specific infection can…
  • Work Continues for CSL Behring During the Pandemic
    Patient groups praise U.S. guidelines that designate plasma centers, manufacturing sites as essential. See full article
  • Wrap Up With A Win – Awareness Month’s Advocacy Week Brings Legislative Victories
    Our 2020 May Awareness Month went digital this year, but that did not stop nearly 100 advocates across the US from participating in virtual advocacy through the Advocacy Action Center. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to create a letter for Members of Congress. Together, we make our voices heard by lawmakers and…

Foundation News

  • “You Can’t Have a Disorder, You Look So Good” Coffee Chat
    On June 22, 2021, we held our monthly Coffee Chat with over 26 of our members in attendance. The discussion was centered around the theme of “You Can’t Have a Disorder, You Look So Good,” whereby members opened up about the struggles of living a life with an “internal” illness, that is not always visible…
  • 2018 GBS|CIDP Foundation Research Grant Recipient Publishes Update in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychology
    CSF sphingomyelin: a new biomarker of demyelination in the diagnosis and management of CIDP and GBS Principal Investigators: Luana Benedetti, MD, PhD  and  Lucilla Nobbio, PhD, University of Genova, ITALY CIDP and GBS are immune-mediated neuropathies characterized by strong heterogeneity in terms of clinical manifestations, prognosis and response to treatment. They are treatable diseases and early…
  • 2018 Research Grant Finalists Announced
    We are pleased to announce our 2018 Research Grant Awardees.
  • 2020 Symposium Update
    We are working diligently to secure a new official date for the Fall of 2021. An Announcement will be made in the coming weeks with the new Symposium date. We are committed to hosting this event in its full capacity on our new date.
  • 2023 Symposium Hill Day
    Sharing Patient Stories on the Hill Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator To kickoff this year’s 2023 International Symposium, the advocacy team brought 60 patients and care partners to Capitol Hill for a day of storytelling and advocacy with our lawmakers. Hill Day participants were divided into 11 teams and interacted with over 30 offices…
  • 2024 MMN Research Grant Announcement
    In 2022, the Foundation embarked on fundraising endeavors aimed at research dedicated to advancing treatments and diagnostics for Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN). We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our community for their unwavering support and contributions during MMN Awareness Month this February. Thanks to these collective efforts, and to the innovative research being conducted in…
  • A 30th Celebration to Remember
    Cheers to 30 Years!  It was the best of all worlds this past November at the 2018 Symposium in San Diego where a record-breaking 575 attendees gathered for 3 days of GBS|CIDP patient support, education, research and advocacy! Thank you to our presenters, sponsors, volunteers and every member of this amazing community for the moments…
  • A Clinical Study of Rozanolixizumab in Patients with CIDP
    Clinical research studies are scientific evaluations in people, led by researchers and physicians. They can help advance the understanding of a disease and are the most important way for researchers to find out if potential new treatments are safe and effective. Studies like these are needed to be able to make new treatments available to…
  • A Life and Legacy Dedicated to Research
    On June 10, 2018 the GBS|CIDP Foundation International will be holding its 5th Annual New Jersey Walk & Roll. The event will be chaired by local resident, and Foundation volunteer, Susan Salzmann. Recently we had the pleasure of sitting down with Susan as she shared the complex story of her husband’s personal journey with CIDP….
  • A Message of Support from the Foundation Team
    In response to the tragic events this past week, we wanted to share the following thoughts with you, our treasured community. GBS, CIDP, MMN, and all the variants do not discriminate.
  • A one-year Research Update from the 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee
    A one-year Research Update from the 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee, Elba Pascual-Goñi MD, PhD.   Our 2022 Benson Fellow, Dr. Pascual-Goñi, carries out patient care and translational research tasks in the field of inflammatory neuropathies in the Neuromuscular Diseases Unit of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona). She is responsible for…
  • A Practical Guide to Identify Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, a Treatable Immune-Mediated Neuropathy
    A Practical Guide to Identify Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, a Treatable Immune-Mediated Neuropathy Click here to view the article Published by PubMed on January 8, 2024.
  • Adapt. Adjust. Accept.
    Highlights from Adaptive Devices Ask the Experts Videocast “My devices enable me to attain self-sufficiency and independence” – Victor Sheronas The recovery process from GBS, CIDP, MMN and other variants can be a long, even sometimes life-long process. When patients leave the hospital, they are transitioning into a space that in most cases is not…
  • An Open Letter to Dr. A.S. Fauci, Director NIAID, NIH
    (Please see the following open letter statement authored by members of the GBS|CIDP Foundation International medical community as referenced.) As clinician/scientists who have spent careers studying GBS, we are concerned that your statement on the “New Normal” television show about GBS and the COVID vaccine will have unintended consequences. Your statement is already all over…
  • An Update from the International Guillain-Barre Study (IGOS) by Dr. Bart Jacobs
    The IGOS-1000 cohort has now been tested for the main preceding infections and is currently tested for antibodies extensively. We have also recently finalized a study in IGOS on the association between GBS and SARS-CoV-2 during the first 3 months of the pandemic. In my view this study shows the importance of having an ongoing…
  • Annexon Announces Positive Topline Results from Pivotal Phase 3 Trial for First-in-Class C1q Blocking Antibody ANX005 in Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    “For nearly 30 years there has been quite literally no advancement in treatments for GBS. This research update, including the participation of two of the founding fathers of our global medical advisor board, offers incredible promise and hope for the GBS community.” –Lisa Butler, Executive Director, GBS|CIDP Foundation International Check back often as we will…
  • Announcing 2019 GBS|CIDP Research Grant Awardee, Ruth Huizinga, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Immunology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    Please join us in congratulating, 2019 GBS|CIDP Research Grant Recipient, Ruth Huizinga, PhD, Assistant professor, Department of Immunology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Project Title: Identification and characterization of circulating plasmablasts that produce anti-ganglioside antibodies in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Synopsis: Antibodies (Abs) to gangliosides play a key role in the pathogenesis…
  • Announcing 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee
    Announcing 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee, Elba Pascual Goñi MD, PhD The Benson Fellowship is a three-year fellowship that provides an opportunity for scientists to engage in peripheral nerve of study. The Fellowship provides funds of up to $150,000 for three years, but only one Benson fellowship is awarded every three year period. We are pleased…
  • Announcing 4 New Centers of Excellence, including first in Pediatric Care
    Our Global Medical Advisory Board has set standards for what they consider to be excellent medical centers for the diagnosis and treatment of GBS and CIDP, MMN and related neuropathies. Based on levels of expertise, available treatments, facilities, and research capabilities, these are the medical centers that we can unequivocally recommend as “Centers of Excellence”….
  • Announcing the 2017 GBS|CIDP Foundation Grant Awardees
    2017 GBS|CIDP Foundation Grant Awardees (#1) Title of the project: Enhance Peripheral Nerve Repair by Modulating Macrophage Subsets Investigator: Gang Zhang, M.D; Ph.D Assistant Professor of Neurology University of Texas, Health Sciences Center at Houston Synopsis: Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is now the first-line therapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). However, there are many disadvantages including high cost, supply…
  • Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance
    Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance Written by: Amy Stein, MSW, LCSW, Health Navigator During my years of working as a social worker in hospitals, a common question among my patients was “should I apply for disability?”  There is no “one answer fits all” reply to this question.  Did the patient mean a disability policy…
  • Argenx Announces FDA Approval of VYVGART Hytrulo for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
    Argenx announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved VYVGART Hytrulo for treating adult patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). For more information on this new treatment, click here.
  • Breaking Down Barriers: Medicare Options for Infusion and Specialty Therapies
    Palmetto Infusion Patient Advocate Chrissie Jenkins, LISW-CP, and Medicare Benefits Counselor and Pharmacist Jerilyn Arneson, PharmD, BCOP break down the complexities of Medicare options in this webinar, offering essential tips and tools specifically tailored for those undergoing infusion or specialty therapy treatments.
  • Breaking News in Dallas, TX – Travis Frederick of Dallas Cowboys diagnosed with GBS
    In response to the breaking news in Dallas this morning regarding Travis Frederick of the Dallas Cowboys, and his recent Guillain-Barré Syndrome diagnosis, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International issues the following statements, for those seeking clarity and more information.
  • Brenda, Making the Most of Now with her Rollator
    Brenda Perales is a patient of Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) and has been associated with the MMN community and Foundation for several years. During her journey with MMN, she always felt stressed whenever she had to walk alone for more than 100 feet. This was true whether she was walking through the halls of the…
  • Celebrating 34 Years of the ADA with Ralph G. Neas
    An Interview with Ralph G. Neas, GBS and CIDP Written by: Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator Thirty-Four years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. We decided to celebrate the anniversary of this monumental piece of legislation by sitting down with Ralph G. Neas, a key civil rights leader in Washington, who…
  • Celebrating a One Year Anniversary this Rare Disease Day!
    Rare Disease Day 2020 marks a very special anniversary for the entire GBS|CIDP community. The Foundation is pleased to report that is has been one year since the launch of our GBS|CIDP Patient Registry!
  • Charity Navigator Names GBS|CIDP Foundation as ‘Charity Worth Watching’
    10 Charities Worth Watching Many of America’s most effective charities are also household names. But some well-known charities are less effective than you’d think, while a number of lesser known charities are truly exceptional. These 10 charities all operate on less than $2 million a year, but they all earn a four-star rating from Charity Navigator….
  • Chief Financial Officer, Camille Yee, Retires after 28 Years of Service to the GBS|CIDP Foundation International
    This week brings a mix of emotions to the Foundation as we say goodbye to our dear friend, co-worker, and longtime member of the GBS|CIDP family, Camille Yee. After 28 years of outstanding service, Camille, a recent new grandmother, has decided to retire from her position as Chief Financial Officer of the GBS|CIDP Foundation so…
  • CIDP Assistance Funds – Now Open for Enrollment!
    CIDP Assistance Funds – Now Open for Enrollment! The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is excited to announce funding opportunities for individuals living with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). A special thanks to the generous supporters of these funds. If you’re interested, please review the eligibility criteria below. We encourage you to apply even if these programs…
  • CIDP Disease Burden — Results of a US Nationwide Patient Survey
    In 2017, a nationwide survey of US CIDP patients was conducted to assess the impact of disease-related disability and treatment on lifestyle and work activities. Approximately 3250 individuals aged ≥18 years, recruited by the GBS|CIDP Foundation and self-reported to have CIDP, were invited to complete an online survey; of these, 475 completed the survey and…
  • CIDP Patient, Lynn Rogers, Running in Chicago Marathon!
    For Rogers, this year has been filled with pain and triumph, a year of repetitive setbacks and remarkable progress. In August 2017, Rogers was paralyzed by a rare autoimmune condition, known as CIDP. Her first steps — at first with the assist of a harness — came a month later. Read more in Chicago Tribune….
  • Clovis Walk & Roll Breaks its Own Record!
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is delighted to share this important Walk & Roll update! On March 9 at Dry Creek Park in Clovis, California, GBS volunteer and Clovis Walk Chairman, Robert Vasquez hosted yet another exciting Walk & Roll fundraising event with a record-breaking 320 walkers in attendance!  Thus far the event has raised $10,356…
  • Clovis, CA Walk & Roll Chair in the News
    On March 4, the Fresno BEE published “Rare illness left this Clovis man paralyzed. Now he’s helping others,” featuring GBS|CIDP Foundation’s volunteer, Rob Vasquez of Clovis, CA.  The Clovis Walk & Roll, March 9, hosted by Rob, is the first of the 2019 Walk & Roll season! See Fresno Bee Video and Article
  • Congress Recognizes the month of May as GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    On May 27, Congressman Garamendi, recognized the Month of May as GBS|CIDP AWARENESS Month and introduced the Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Act to the House of Representatives. Read full script here Download (PDF)
  • Coping with School & Treatment Plan for GBS|CIDP
    By Megan Kaump A diagnosis of GBS, CIDP, or variants is frightening and devastating for anyone, but when a child is diagnosed it adds a very different set of emotions and experiences. It is heart- breaking to see your child go through such challenges and there is the added component of how the child’s schooling…
  • COVID-19 Vaccines and the GBS|CIDP Community
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation has received many questions about COVID-19 and its relationship to Guillain-Barré syndrome and CIDP.
  • CSL Behring Announces FDA Approval of Privigen®
    CSL Behring Announces FDA Approval of Privigen® [Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10% Liquid] for the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) in Adults KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., Sept. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Global biotherapeutics leader CSL Behring today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Privigen® [Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10% Liquid] for the treatment of…
  • DIY Fundraising in a Virtual World
    DIY Fundraising Event COVID-19 has caused all of us to rethink how we get together and socialize with our family and friends. Are you looking for ways to cure your post-holiday blues while making a difference in the GBS│CIDP patient community? We have brainstormed some creative ways you can host a DIY fundraising event in…
  • Dr. A.S. Fauci Corrects Previous Statement Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines & GBS
    As a follow up to the Foundation’s published article from Dec. 20, 2020, “An Open Letter to Dr. A.S. Fauci, Director NIAID, NIH,” on January 15, 2021, Neurology Today published the following article “No Excess Risk for Neurologic Events Observed to Date from COVID-19 Vaccines.”   Read the full article…
  • Dr. Jeffrey Allen, New Global Medical Board Chairman
    Please join us as we recognize Dr. Peter Donofrio, MD for all of his hard work and dedication as chairman of our Global Medical Advisory Board. As Peter steps down, we welcome Dr. Jeffrey Allen, MD as the new Chairman. Congratulations Jeff! We are honored to have your leadership and vision! Jeffrey Allen, MD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology…
  • Dr. Ken Gorson Discusses GBS on
    Dr. Ken Gorson, Chairman of GBS|CIDP Foundation’s Global Medical Advisory Board, featured on this week: Guillain-Barre Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments. Read the full article
  • Dr. Peter Donofrio, Chairman, Global Medical Advisory Board, GBS|CIDP Foundation International, Receives AANEM Distinguished Physician Award
    The American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic (AANEM) has awarded the 2020 Distinguished Physician Award to Peter Donofrio, MD, for his distinguished service as a clinician, educator and his overall support of AANEM.
  • Early Detection and Diagnosis of CIDP
    Early Detection and Diagnosis of CIDP Discover firsthand insights from CIDP patient and Foundation staff Kelly McCoy, alongside GMAB members Chafic Karam, MD and Jeff Allen, MD, as they share their experiences in this informative article. Early detection is crucial in managing CIDP, and their stories shed light on the importance of timely diagnosis. Let’s…
  • Executive Director, Lisa Butler discusses legislation, for patients on Medicare, with NHC
    Executive Director, Lisa Butler discusses legislation, for patients on Medicare, with NHC. Full article here:
  • FDA Has Approved New Treatment Options for CIDP Patients
    FDA has approved both Takeda’s HYQVIA, a new maintenance therapy for patients with CIDP, and GAMMAGARD LIQUID®. The Foundation advocates for access to all products at all points of care. As always, the Foundation recommends consulting with your physician when exploring new treatment options.   More information at our HYQVIA Treatment and Access Page: Approval…
  • FDA Warning for Guillain–Barre Syndrome and the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
    A Statement from the Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board The Washington Post and New York Times published on July 12, 2021 articles of a report by the FDA regarding cases of purported GBS after receiving the Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine.  Approximately 100 reports of suspected GBS were experienced by 12.8 million subjects who…
  • First Annual Dr. Arthur Asbury Endowment Lecture
    We are honored to announce the first annual Dr. Arthur Asbury Endowment Lecture, sponsored by the GBS|CIDP Foundation International. This first lecture regarding the rare neuromuscular conditions of GBS, CIDP and MMN, will be presented by Dr. Jeffrey Allen of the University of Minnesota, on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at the Penn Neuromuscular Symposium, Perelman…
  • Foundation Co-hosts Open House with Bryn Mawr Rehab
    In July of 2023, the Foundation co-hosted an Open House with Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital in Malvern, PA.  GBS and CIDP patients in attendance received a guided tour of the facility from the PT and OT’s, as well as a demonstration of adaptive devices and recreational therapies. The feedback from our community has been very…
  • Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board statement on COVID vaccines for CIDP and MMN
    No instances of CIDP or MMN were seen during clinical trials of the two vaccines. Neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nor the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends against administration of the Covid 19 vaccine in patients with CIDP or MMN. One must keep in mind that the Covid Vaccine has…
  • Founder Estelle Benson Named 2018 NORD Honoree for Abbey S. Meyers Leadership Award
    The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) today announced the people, organizations, and innovators who will be honored at the 35th Anniversary Celebration presenting the Rare Impact Awards.
  • GBS CIDP Foundation International Earns Coveted 4-Star Rating From Charity Navigator
    Conshohocken, PA (December 4, 2018) – GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency have earned it a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator.  This is the 7th consecutive time that GBS|CIDP Foundation International has earned this top distinction. Since 2002, using objective analysis, Charity Navigator has awarded only…
  • GBS CIDP Foundation International Earns Coveted 4-Star Rating From Charity Navigator
    Conshohocken, PA (June 2022) – GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency have earned it a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator.  This is the 11th consecutive time that GBS|CIDP Foundation International has earned this top distinction. Since 2002, using objective analysis, Charity Navigator has awarded only…
  • GBS patient share his story with the New York Post
    Michael Ring, a determined GBS warrior who has turned his personal struggle into an inspiring journey of resilience. Diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), he faced incredible physical challenges that could have ended his marathon dreams. But instead of giving up, he pushed through, reclaiming his strength step by step. Now, he’s sharing his story with…
  • GBS Patient, Michael Ring, Interviews with Local TV Station
    Inspiring stories of resilience remind us of the human spirit’s strength. One such story is that of a Brooklyn man, Michael Ring, diagnosed with GBS who defied the odds to return to his passion for running. Michael was featured on News 12 The Bronx, showcasing his incredible journey from the early stages of his diagnosis…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month The GBS|CIDP Foundation International proudly announces that the Philadelphia skyline will be illuminated in blue and green on May 21st in honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month. The buildings participating are: Subaru of America, Peco, Cira Center, and 1735 Market. The…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Granted Membership of the National Health Council (NHC)
    We are pleased to announce that the GBS|CIDP Foundation International has been granted Membership of the National Health Council.
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Hosts a Virtual Summit
    Back by popular demand, our 2024 Virtual Summit, on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th, will feature a wide range of educational panels and presentations, as recorded at the 2023 Washington, DC Patient Symposium. The Virtual Summit is a FREE and easy-access one-day event, showcasing the best practices for navigating the journey through GBS,…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International continues to work with FDA on GBS|CIDP patient concerns
    After holding a GBS Patient Listening session with the FDA in the Summer of 2020, the Foundation has continued to work with key leadership at the FDA to continue bringing the patient voice to their current work. The FDA holds a very special role in the US healthcare system. Their job is to review and…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International Dedicates October to Advocacy “Month of Action”
    [CONSHOHOCKEN, PA] — GBS|CIDP Foundation International, August 31, 2020 This October, The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is encouraging patients and caregivers affected by Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP,) or variants of the condition such as Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN), to join a virtual “Month of Action” advocacy campaign. Opportunities for participating in “Month…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International Named 4-Star Charity Navigator Charity for Sixth Consecutive Year!
              Dear Lisa Butler: On behalf of Charity Navigator, I wish to congratulate GBS|CIDP Foundation International on attaining the coveted4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. The nonprofit sector is advancing and expanding. As our organizations evolve, so do the desires and interests of our…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International Named to the 2016 Classy 100
    GBS|CIDP Foundation International Named to the 2016 Classy 100 Recognized as a consistent growing nonprofit on the leading online fundraising platform in 2016   Narberth, Pennsylvania –  GBS|CIDP Foundation International made this year’s Classy 100 list, an annual compilation of the growing nonprofits on Classy, the world’s leading online fundraising platform for social enterprises. Classy…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation staff & patients collaborate with FDA
    By Lisa Butler In 2020 as the Foundation worked with the FDA, for the first time, what I feel is most notable – and praiseworthy –  is their straightforward adherence to science, and their tremendous efforts to bring the patient perspective into the decision-making process. I feel even more confident in the leadership of the…
  • Giving Tuesday
    GIVE. #givingtuesday December 1, Giving Tuesday, kicks-off the ultimate season of kindness, hope and caring for our global community. A donation to the Foundation is forever appreciated, but there are so many ways to give, big and small. We ask this year, a year that has brought such unprecedented challenges, that you join us, in…
  • Hey doc, are you sure this is CIDP?
    Hey doc, are you sure this is CIDP? By Jeffrey A. Allen MD,University of Minnesota It’s ok to ask the question. Whether you’ve had the diagnosis for a day or a decade its ok to ask. You should ask. Do my symptoms make sense? Are my test results what you would expect for CIDP? Have…
  • How Can Participating in a Clinical Trial Help Me? Live Panel
    Join us October 29, 2020 We are pleased to announce a new patient education program about clinical trials for patients with CIDP and GBS, that will air live on October 29th at 12PM ET on NeuroCareLive. Join the multidisciplinary panel comprised of a GBS-CIDP representative, a person who has participated in a clinical trial, and a neurologist in…
  • How Do We Care for the Caregiver?
    How do we care for the caregiver? GBS, CIDP, and variants such as MMN, not only affect patients but can have a huge impact on the entire family. Primary caregivers are so focused on caring for the patient, and often barely have time to notice that their own lives have been turned upside (and sideways)…
  • Improving the Recognition of GBS and CIDP in the Hospital Setting: Live Program
    LIVE PROGRAM Designed for healthcare professionals. Earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST Join our experts for a one-hour, live webinar as they discuss how to manage patients with immune-mediated neuropathies such as GBS and CIDP. Learning Objectives Recognize signs and symptoms that may suggest…
  • In response to CBP preventing Mexican nationals from donating blood plasma
    June 30, 2020 By Lisa Butler, Executive Director GBS|CIDP Foundation International Imagine the shock and helplessness of seeing your child’s body suddenly growing weak, clumsy, and unable to walk, or even stand; the fear that they may never live a normal life, or even survive this terrifying, disabling disorder.  Imagine being greeted with the puzzlement…
  • Information on Shingrix
    The FDA is committed to safety and transparency for all Americans using any medicine. As a result of their commitment to safety and transparency, the FDA has decided to include GBS on information about the possible side effects of the Shingrix vaccine for shingles, given to older Americans. This safety warning ONLY applies to one…
  • Infusion Nurse Joins 2018 Symposium Team of Presenters
    Infusion nurse, Amy Clarke will be joining our roster of 2018 Symposium presenters with a brand new session, All About Infusion. She will be discussing the infusion process from A to Z, and is happy answer all of your questions. You will leave the Symposium feeling informed and comfortable with treatment options, plans and procedures,…
  • Inspiring the Next Generation of Research at the GBS|CIDP Foundation International Patient Symposium  
    As part of the 2023 International Patient Symposium, the Foundation was thrilled to welcome seven young medical professionals – ranging from those in their residency to those finishing their Ph.D. – to join the conference and learn from our Global Medical Advisory Board and from the patient community. These young professionals attended sessions, facilitated Q&A’s,…
  • Join 100 Fundraisers, this August, for the Raise Well 30-day Challenge!
    On August 1, 2020, we will be launching the Raise Well 30-Day Wellness Challenge, a fundraising and wellness challenge open to everyone and anyone. Our goal is to reach 100 participants! We are encouraging fundraisers from around the globe to raise money for GBS|CIDP research, learn and share wellness tips, all while raising awareness for…
  • Life after GBS for Youth and Teens
    By Diana Castro, MD Despite recovery of muscle weakness in most children, many patients experience persistent fatigue, pain and anxiety/depression.  These symptoms can be incapacitating and can affect academic and social development.   The mechanism underlying post-GBS fatigue is unclear.  Fatigue can be secondary to stress and psychological factors.  Other possibilities are deconditioning due to the…
  • May is GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    May of 2020 has brought unprecedented challenges and changes, the world over. We hope you find comfort in knowing that the GBS|CIDP Foundation has made every effort to continue to Educate our patients in new and innovative ways.
  • Medicare B will cover an immunoglobulin therapy for patients with CIDP, starting July 18, 2021
    A message from our industry partners at CSL Behring: We are pleased to share that effective July 18, Hizentra®, Immune Globulin Subcutaneous (Human), 20% Liquid, will be covered under Medicare Part B for maintenance therapy in adults with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP).* Under the new coverage, Hizentra will be covered under the same benefit…
  • Navigating Financial Assistance and Insurance: Your Comprehensive Guide
    Navigating Financial Assistance and Insurance: Your Comprehensive Guide Managing the financial aspects of chronic conditions like Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) can be overwhelming. Our Financial Assistance and Insurance Resources portal at the GBS|CIDP Foundation International offers invaluable guidance to navigate this complex landscape with confidence. Understanding Your Coverage: Our portal…
  • Navigating Insurance Reimbursement in CIDP: Commercial Insurance or Medicare
    Navigating Insurance Reimbursement in CIDP: Commercial Insurance or Medicare Join us as we explore the reimbursement process as it relates to CIDP. These engaging, interactive sessions are tailored to those with either Commercial Insurance or Medicare. Register for your program today! “Navigating Insurance Reimbursement in CIDP: Commercial Insurance” explores the commercial insurance reimbursement process as…
  • Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain, Consider the Alternatives
    Evidence for nutritional interventions, exercise, supplements, acupuncture, and mindfulness-based practices in the treatment of neuropathic pain is encouraging.
  • NEW Bill in Congress Aims to Help Improve Access to Home Infusion IVIG for CIDP and MMN Patients, HR 3808
    As a result of the community coming together this year, the Foundation is proud to share the wonderful news that our Congressional champions, led by Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Congressman G.K. Butterfield, and Congressman Chris Smith, have introduced a new bill that aims to help improve coverage of home infusion of IVIG for CIDP and MMN…
  • New Research Grant Announced: Exploring possible role of TGR5 and FXR in autoimmune neuropathy
    Please join us in congratulating, 2019 GBS|CIDP Research Grant Recipient, Betty Soliven, MD for her study: Exploring the possible role of TGR5 and FXR in autoimmune neuropathy Betty Soliven, MD is a Professor and the Associate Chair for Faculty Affairs of the Department of Neurology at the University of Chicago Synopsis There is increasing evidence…
  • New Study Reveals No Association Between COVID-19 and Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    A UK based epidemiological study, linked below, has found no causal association between COVID-19 infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome. This means that GBS developing at the same time or close to that of COVID-19 is most likely coincidental.
  • NEW! 2020 VIRTUAL SUMMIT – October 3, 2020, 10am-2pm (EST)
    Although our in-person event has been postponed, our plan to offer extraordinary presentations, programs and opportunities to connect, has not! Please join us for our New (FREE) Virtual Summit 2020 on October 3rd, 2020! Mark your calendars for an inspiring LIVE and FREE online event featuring the very same medical & wellness experts that host…
  • Now Accepting Applications for 2020 Research Grants
    As part of the GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s mission to provide education and support research, we offer research grants to qualified applicants.
  • Pamela Franks Transitions to New Role at the Foundation
    Pamela Franks Transitions to New Role at the Foundation Please join us in congratulating Pamela Franks, as she transitions from Foundation Walk & Roll Manager to her new role as Manager of Volunteer Engagement.  Through the challenges of the past 3 years, Pamela has played a critical role in our Walk & Roll program, enthusiastically…
  • Plasma Awareness Event at Meredith College 
    Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator To recognize International Plasma Awareness Week and educate their community about the need for plasma donations, students and staff at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina held a Project Plasma awareness event on October 4th. Meredith’s Marketing and Communications Office and Student Wellness Organization hosted a tabling event where…
  • Please join us in Congratulating 2019 GBS|CIDP Foundation Research Grant Recipient, Dr. Eduardo Nobile-Orazio
    The 2019 GBS|CIDP Foundation Research Grant Recipient is Dr. Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, Associate Professor of  Neurology, at Milan University, and Chair of the Neuromuscular and Neuroimmunology Service at Humanitas Clinical and Research Institute in Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
  • Press Release: February is Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) Awareness Month
    [CONSHOHOCKEN, PA] — GBS|CIDP Foundation International, January 24, 2022 February is Multifocal Motor Neuropathy Awareness (MMN) Month. The GBS|CIDP Foundation International will bring focus, research funding, and ways to for patients and caregivers to raise awareness locally as well as connect with others in the MMN worldwide community. An international grassroots fundraising campaign will also…
  • Progress in diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
    Published in The Lancet, May 7, 2019 Co-authored by Carina Bunschoten, Bart C Jacobs, Peter U K Van den Bergh, David R. Cornblath, Pieter A van Doorn
  • Questions about Multifocal Motor Neuropathy? Save the date!
    On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 3 PM ET, head to NeuroCareLive to hear a conversation between medical specialists, advocates, and a patient who lives with MMN. Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) affects about 1-2 in every 100,000 individuals worldwide. When people develop MMN, their motor nerves are attacked by their immune system. This results in…
  • Rare Disease Day 2020
    Giving Hope to our Global Rare Community for #Rarediseaseday Rare Disease Day (RDD) takes place on the last day of February each year. The main objective of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. This year the GBS|CIDP Foundation International has several RDD activities…
  • Rare Disease Day 2021
    How will you Show You Care for Rare… this Rare Disease Day? (February 28, 2021) In 2020 the world’s attention turned to public health matters in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, there are still millions in the United States and around the globe living with rare diseases and accompanying life-altering issues that are largely…
  • Research Poster Opportunity for GBS, CIDP, MMN Patient Symposium
    We Invite You to Participate! As valued members of our medical community, we would like to inform you and your colleagues in training, residents, and fellows of a special opportunity to participate in the 2023 GBS|CIDP Foundation Patient Symposium, October 5-7 in Alexandria, VA. Poster Request Drs. Jeffrey Allen and Bart Jacobs, as Chair and…
  • Research Published on Quality of Life in Inflammatory Neuropathies: the IN-Qol
    In 2008 the GBS|CIDP Foundation awarded a $60,000 to Ingemar S. J. Merkies, MD, PHD Universiteit Maastricht(The Netherlands), Professor Pieter A. van Doorn (GMAB member) Erasmus MC (The Netherlands) and Richard A. Lewis, MD  (GMAB member), Cedars Sinai, for their study in Peripheral Neuropathy Outcome Measures Standardisation (PeriNomS). On February 20, 2018 a paper was…
  • Results from CME Program: Differentiating GBS & CIDP in a Hospital Setting
    Join us on May 28, 2020 for a panel discussion on Results from CME Program: Differentiating GBS & CIDP in a Hospital Setting.
  • September Hill Visit
    In anticipation of the Foundation’s most recent iteration of our Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Act being introduced in the House of Representatives in the coming days, Foundation staff Chelsey Fix and Ellie Herman went down to Capitol Hill for a day of on-the-ground advocacy. Joined by Health and Medicine Counsel staff, they met with 6…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Current Treatments and Emerging Trials for GBS, CIDP, and MMN”
    Speaker Series – Episode 12 Summary In this Speaker Series episode, Dr. Jeffery Allen educates us about the current treatments for GBS, CIDP, and MMN as well as explain current trials and their findings. Dr. Allen is an associate professor of neurology at the University of Minnesota, adjunct faculty at Northwestern University, and the chairman…
  • Special Symposium Discount Extended to September 1, 2018!
    Join Us! November 1-3 2018! Symposium 2018 will feature a wide array of presentations and workshops led by our best medical professionals, and will offer a unique opportunity for those affected by GBS, CIDP, and variants to meet with other patients and families from around the world. Register Now
  • Statement regarding GBS alert in Peru
    Statement regarding GBS alert in Peru July 10, 2023 The Foundation and its Global Medical Advisory Board are aware that Peru has issued a statement of emergency due to an increase in cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome. Please know we are here for you and the GBS|CIDP Foundation International is committed to addressing your concerns…
  • Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin: A Newly Approved Treatment Option for CIDP
    David Saperstein, MD Co-Director GBS/CIDP Center of Excellence Phoenix Neurological Associates Phoenix, AZ Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is one of the main therapies used to treat CIDP. This therapy can be very effective but there are drawbacks. Some people experience headaches related to the intravenous infusions. Some people have difficulty with IV access. Also, the need…
  • Takeda Receives Positive CHMP Opinion for HYQVIA® as Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)
    TAKEDA receives positive CHMP opinion for HYQVIA® as maintenance therapy in patients with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) issued a positive opinion for HYQVIA® as a maintenance therapy for patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).  Please find the press release here:
  • Taking Volunteering to the Next Level
    Taking Volunteering to the Next Level The Foundation volunteers are taking volunteering to a whole new level! Don’t miss a chance to tune into what our current volunteers are doing in the community. There is no greater force than like-minds joining together for a common mission to change lives. The Foundation volunteers continue to play…
  • Tell Congress Why Plasma Is Essential
    For many people, IVIG and SCIG is an amazing, life-saving medication! IVIG and SCIG are immunoglobulin therapies created from source plasma. Source plasma is donated from healthy volunteers at one of many plasma collection centers across the country. People who donate plasma are everyday heroes and we thank them for their time and contribution!  Currently,…
  • The GBS|CIDP Foundation joins the Critical Medicines Alliance
    The Critical Medicines Alliance The GBS|CIDP Foundation International recently joined the Critical Medicines Alliance, an initiative launched by the European Commission for the next 5 years. The objective of the Alliance is “to serve as a consultative body to identify priorities for action and propose solutions to strengthen the supply of critical medicines in the European Union,…
  • Tips and Tricks for Traveling
    The Coffee Chat, Tips and Tricks for Traveling, hosted by Foundation staff members Kelly McCoy and Lori Besiege, offered valuable support on how to navigate the challenges that may arise while you are on a plane, train, or bus with a neurological condition that may cause mobility issues. Whether you are traveling to our International…
  • Update on COVID-19 Vaccine
    This statement is provided by the GBS|CIDP Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board.  We also encourage you to contact your healthcare provider about whether it would be a good idea for you to have a COVID-19 vaccine. There has been much discussion about COVID-19 vaccines for individuals who are “immunocompromised.” GBS and CIDP and immune-mediated disorders….
  • Vaccines and Guillain Barre Syndrome 2018
    Infections and vaccines have been hypothesized to play a role in triggering the development of GBS. However, in this report, Vaccines and Guillain-Barre syndrome, it is shown that an association between vaccine administration and GBS has never been proven for most of debated vaccines, although it cannot be definitively excluded.
  • Volunteer spreads awareness in local hospitals
    There is no greater force than like-minds joining together for a common mission to change lives. The Foundation volunteers continue to play an active role in our community by raising awareness of GBS, CIDP, MMN, and the Foundation resources. Ray Lopez, Boca Raton Liaison, has made it his mission to visit local hospitals and share…
  • Welcome to Fall Advocacy
    Congressional Recess officially ended on September 9th, and the Northeast is already seeing leaves fall from the trees (no color change, yet). Now that Washington, D.C. is back to being fully operational, we have a lot of great things to report on! Check out our highlights below, and stay up to date with all things…
  • Welcome, New Congress!
    As we kicked off 2021 full of hope for the future, we also welcomed a new Congress to Capitol Hill. The 117th Congress first convened on January 3, 2021, and now that they are settled in, we believe it is time for the GBS|CIDP and variants community to reach out and introduce our Representative and…
  • What is Convalescent Plasma?
    By Dr. David Saperstein Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) play an important role in health and illness. Many of you regularly receive intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) to treat your autoimmune disease. Flooding a person’s system with antibodies from normal, healthy individuals can reverse problems caused by abnormally overactive immune systems. However, providing antibodies that fight a specific infection can…
  • Why Rare Conditions Deserve Attention and Recognition as a Global Health Concern
    As Rare Disease Day is approaching, CSL Behring is in touch with leaders of patient advocacy groups to explain why rare conditions deserve attention and recognition as a global health concern. Click here to read what Lisa Butler, the Executive Director of GBS|CIDP Foundation, and other nonprofits have to say. Having any disease can be…
  • Your Donations in Action
    In 2016 The GBS|CIDP Foundation awarded a research grant to Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, MD, PhD, FAAN, Professor of Neurology Neuromuscular and Neuroimmunology Service at Milan University. Dr. Nobile-Orazio’s 2016 study titled: An Italian Multicenter Network for the diagnosis and therapy of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) and of its variants, contributed to the 2019 article: Risk factors for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP): antecedent events, lifestyle and dietary habits. Data from the Italian CIDP Database., published by the EAN (European Academy of Neurology). Update: GBS|CIDP Foundation Research 2016 Grant Recipient, Dr. Eduardo Nobil-Orazio, published in Journal of Neurology, Journal of Neuroimmunology, and Wiley Online Library, and EAN.

GBS Clinical Trials

  • International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS) Clinical Trial
    International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS) The international GBS Outcome Study (IGOS) is the largest and longest prospective trial designed to collect extensive data from patients afflicted with GBS in a systematic manner. The aim is to collect information from patients by intensive international collaboration. All patients are followed at standard intervals from the earliest…

Health Navigator

  • Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance
    Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance Written by: Amy Stein, MSW, LCSW, Health Navigator During my years of working as a social worker in hospitals, a common question among my patients was “should I apply for disability?”  There is no “one answer fits all” reply to this question.  Did the patient mean a disability policy…
  • Navigating Financial Assistance and Insurance: Your Comprehensive Guide
    Navigating Financial Assistance and Insurance: Your Comprehensive Guide Managing the financial aspects of chronic conditions like Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) can be overwhelming. Our Financial Assistance and Insurance Resources portal at the GBS|CIDP Foundation International offers invaluable guidance to navigate this complex landscape with confidence. Understanding Your Coverage: Our portal…

Healthy Lifestyle

  • 6 Strategies for Building Resilience During Times of Change
    How do you respond to change? If you are interested in embracing change and growth, then consider these strategies for helping you to build resilience.
  • Breathe
    Our breath sustains us. It not only supplies our cells with life-giving oxygen; the mechanical act of breathing itself is intimately connected to our body’s basic physiology.  With every breath in our heart rate increases and with every breath out it slows.
  • Building Muscle at Any Age
    By Dr. Julie Rowin A publication from Dr. Julie Rowin’s Blog Post found at: The benefits of maintaining muscle mass at any age cannot be underestimated.Here’s why: Muscle is involved in brain function in a big way. Muscle directly communicates with the brain through chemicals and messengers such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). These chemicals…
  • Getting Well Outdoors
    Ecotherapy Ecotherapy integrates nature-based activities and ecological awareness into therapeutic practices, aiming to enhance mental health by fostering a connection with the environment, whereas regular talk therapy primarily involves verbal discussions in a clinical setting to address psychological issues. The information below was sourced from the Getting Well Outdoors Wellness Webinar. You can find the…
  • Mindful Breathing Exercises
    Breath, well-being and energy are intrinsically connected. Mindful breathing can be performed anywhere and anytime. It’s all about bringing yourself to the present moment and focusing on a slower deeper belly breath.
  • Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain, Consider the Alternatives
    Evidence for nutritional interventions, exercise, supplements, acupuncture, and mindfulness-based practices in the treatment of neuropathic pain is encouraging.
  • Self-Care for CarePartners: What? Why? How?
    Self-Care for CarePartners: What? Why? How? On our website, the Foundation reminds GBS|CIDP CarePartners that no one can prepare you for the challenges you will face.  Though this journey is stressful, there are things you can do to help you manage.  One of the most important is taking care of yourself.  What is self-care?  …
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Fatigue”
    Speaker Series – Episode 10 Summary In this Speaker Series episode, we talked with Dr. Stojan Peric, a researcher and professor, at the University of Belgrade in Serbia and a neurologist at the Clinical Center of Serbia. Catch up on the conversation with Dr. Peric and learn what fatigue is, how it is triggered, and…


  • 2018 Research Grant Finalists Announced
    We are pleased to announce our 2018 Research Grant Awardees.
  • An Update from the International Guillain-Barre Study (IGOS) by Dr. Bart Jacobs
    The IGOS-1000 cohort has now been tested for the main preceding infections and is currently tested for antibodies extensively. We have also recently finalized a study in IGOS on the association between GBS and SARS-CoV-2 during the first 3 months of the pandemic. In my view this study shows the importance of having an ongoing…
  • Dr. Bart Jacobs, Vice Chairman of GMAB, and co-authors, “Editor’s Choice,” Brain Journal
    An article published in Brain Journal, September 25, 2018, regarding research findings of the International Guillain Barre Outcome Survey (IGOS), partially supported by GBS|CIDP Foundation International, received the “Editor’s Choice.” Findings of IGOS are significant to the GBS community as noted in the abstract summary of article
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s Global Medical Advisory Board recommendations on Zika virus and Guillain-Barré syndrome
    PHILADELPHIA, /PRNewswire/ — The GBS|CIDP Foundation International has been closely following the fast moving story of Guillain-Barré syndrome following Zika infection first in French Polynesia and now in South America. On February 29, 2016, The Lancet released the first full account of the French Polynesian experience with GBS and Zika. The worldwide incidence of GBS…
  • Incidence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Rising As Zika Spreads
    Dr. Kenneth C. Gorson, MDPresident Elect GBS|CIDP Foundation International Global Medical Advisory BoardGuillain-Barre syndrome (GBS)Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) Medical Research: What is Guillain-Barré Syndrome? What are the main symptoms?Dr. Gorson: Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an immune mediated disorder affecting the peripheral motor and sensory nerves and nerve roots, and is the most common cause…
  • Update from the International Guillain–Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS)
    Diagnosis and management of Guillain–Barré syndrome in ten steps Portuguese Spanish Chinese Nature Reviews Neurology:; Published Sept 20, 2019. Explanation of the above referenced article below. Authors: Sonja Leonhard, Melissa Mandarakas, Francisco de Assis Aquino Gondim, Kathleen Bateman, Maria Lúcia Ferreira, David Cornblath, Pieter van Doorn, Mario Dourado, Richard Hughes, Badrul Islam, S Kusunoki, Carlos Pardo, Ricardo Reisin, Jim…


  • INCbase
    INCbase Update  Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a rare disorder that affects different people in different ways. The symptoms, treatment response, and disease course may vary from person to person, or even in the same person at different stages of the disease. As previously reported in 2017, INCbase is a study that intends to…
  • Research in CIDP: Are we making progress?
    By Jeffrey A. Allen, MDMember, GBS|CIDP Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board CIDP as a named disease entity is now about 4 decades old. The laboratory data that helps define the disease, nerve conduction studies and in some cases cerebral spinal fluid and nerve biopsy, is even older; and the initial description of what has now…

International Events

  • 2023 International Regional Meetings
    2023 Barcelona, Vienna, and Copenhagen Regional Meetings Join us this March for an EU Regional Meeting Near you! Have you, or a loved one, recently been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) or Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)? Or, perhaps you have been coping for some time but would like more information…
  • Rare Disease Day 2024
    Rare Disease Day: February 29, 2024 About Rare Disease Day Launched by EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe in 2008, Rare Disease Day is a patient-led international awareness campaign that brings people together in solidarity with the 300 million patients impacted by rare diseases worldwide. In 2009, Rare Disease Day became a global event when The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) officially sponsored the celebration in the United States.  GET INVOLVED!…

MMN Clinical Trials

  • ARDA Multifocal Motor Neuropathy Study Clinical Trial
    ARDA Multifocal Motor Neuropathy Study The ARDA study is designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of the investigational study drug compared to a placebo for the treatment of adults living with MMN. Participants enrolled in the study will be randomly assigned by a computer to either receive the investigational drug or a placebo. Participants…

Plasma Updates

  • Advocating for Plasma Donations and Home Infusion
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International recently led the American Plasma Users Coalition (APLUS) in creating a letter to federal and state agencies regarding two important topics to our community: plasma donations and home infusion. The Foundation and APLUS want to make sure that lawmakers are aware that plasma collection centers are considered “essential” according to the…
  • APLUS Statement on the State of Plasma
    The American Plasma Users Coalition (APLUS) recognizes and applauds the recent statements from the White House that emphasize the importance of plasma and how essential plasma donors are to the healthcare system. This statement rings true for convalescent plasma that may help countless patients battling COVID-19 and is especially true for people all over the…
  • Global Plasma Leaders Collaborate to Accelerate Development of Potential COVID-19 Hyperimmune Therapy
    Partnership brings together world-leading plasma companies to focus on developing and delivering a hyperimmune immunoglobulin in the global fight against COVID-19.
  • In Response to NY Times article, “What is the Blood of a Poor Person Worth?”
    Imagine the shock and helplessness of seeing your child’s body suddenly growing weak, clumsy, and unable to walk, or even stand; the fear that they may never live a normal life, or even survive this terrifying, disabling disorder.
  • Plasma Awareness Event at Meredith College 
    Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator To recognize International Plasma Awareness Week and educate their community about the need for plasma donations, students and staff at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina held a Project Plasma awareness event on October 4th. Meredith’s Marketing and Communications Office and Student Wellness Organization hosted a tabling event where…
  • Plasma Please
    Plasma is the straw-colored liquid portion of blood that contains proteins that are essential for the human body, including antibodies and clotting factors. Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) play an important role in health and illness. Many patients living with CIDP, MMN or Variants regularly receive intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIG) to treat the…
  • Resource from PPTA Regarding COVID-19
    The Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA) has provided a statement specific to plasma protein therapies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. CLICK HERE to read the statement. The PPTA notes that their Pathogen Safety Steering Committee continues to monitor the situation and is currently working on a broader update for the community. We will share these…
  • Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) – March 19th
    Dear GBS|CIDP Community, We know that this is a challenging time for everyone as the news of the pandemic is evolving each day. Please know we are here for you and the GBS|CIDP Foundation International is committed to addressing your concerns as accurately and efficiently as possible. A number of our members have reached out…
  • Update on Home Infusion & Medicare During COVID-19 Pandemic
    Earlier this week, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new guidelines for the coverage of home infusion during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new guidelines allow for more flexibility for patients and their physicians to decide the best setting for ongoing treatments. Given your current situation, you may be able to access home…
  • What is Convalescent Plasma?
    By Dr. David Saperstein Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) play an important role in health and illness. Many of you regularly receive intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) to treat your autoimmune disease. Flooding a person’s system with antibodies from normal, healthy individuals can reverse problems caused by abnormally overactive immune systems. However, providing antibodies that fight a specific infection can…
  • Work Continues for CSL Behring During the Pandemic
    Patient groups praise U.S. guidelines that designate plasma centers, manufacturing sites as essential. See full article
  • Wrap Up With A Win – Awareness Month’s Advocacy Week Brings Legislative Victories
    Our 2020 May Awareness Month went digital this year, but that did not stop nearly 100 advocates across the US from participating in virtual advocacy through the Advocacy Action Center. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to create a letter for Members of Congress. Together, we make our voices heard by lawmakers and…

Research News

  • 2017 GBS|CIDP Foundation Grant Awardees
    (#1) Title of the project: Enhance Peripheral Nerve Repair by Modulating Macrophage Subsets Investigator: Gang Zhang, M.D; Ph.D Assistant Professor of Neurology University of Texas, Health Sciences Center at Houston Synopsis: Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is now the first-line therapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). However, there are many disadvantages including high cost, supply shortages, and multiple side effects…
  • 2018 GBS|CIDP Foundation Research Grant Recipient Publishes Update in Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychology
    CSF sphingomyelin: a new biomarker of demyelination in the diagnosis and management of CIDP and GBS Principal Investigators: Luana Benedetti, MD, PhD  and  Lucilla Nobbio, PhD, University of Genova, ITALY CIDP and GBS are immune-mediated neuropathies characterized by strong heterogeneity in terms of clinical manifestations, prognosis and response to treatment. They are treatable diseases and early…
  • 2018 Research Grant Finalists Announced
    We are pleased to announce our 2018 Research Grant Awardees.
  • 2020 GBS|CIDP Foundation International Research Grants Announced!
    Research grants are made possible through the benevolence of many sources, including the Helen S. Manheimer Research Fund, contributions from individuals who have been personally touched by GBS, CIDP, or variants, and by several commercial sources. Through the generosity of these contributors, to whom the Foundation is most grateful, we are able continue our Research…
  • A dose-response trial of IV immunoglobulin in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)/DRIP study
    K. Kuitwaard1,2, E Brusse1, A.F.J.E. Vrancken4, F. Eftimov5, N.C. Notermans4, A.J. van der Kooi5, I.S.J. Merkies6,7, B.C. Jacobs1,3, P.A. van Doorn1 1Department of Neurology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2Department of Neurology, Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 3Department of Immunology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 4Department of Neurology,…
  • A Life and Legacy Dedicated to Research
    On June 10, 2018 the GBS|CIDP Foundation International will be holding its 5th Annual New Jersey Walk & Roll. The event will be chaired by local resident, and Foundation volunteer, Susan Salzmann. Recently we had the pleasure of sitting down with Susan as she shared the complex story of her husband’s personal journey with CIDP….
  • A one-year Research Update from the 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee
    A one-year Research Update from the 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee, Elba Pascual-Goñi MD, PhD.   Our 2022 Benson Fellow, Dr. Pascual-Goñi, carries out patient care and translational research tasks in the field of inflammatory neuropathies in the Neuromuscular Diseases Unit of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona). She is responsible for…
  • An Update from the International Guillain-Barre Study (IGOS) by Dr. Bart Jacobs
    The IGOS-1000 cohort has now been tested for the main preceding infections and is currently tested for antibodies extensively. We have also recently finalized a study in IGOS on the association between GBS and SARS-CoV-2 during the first 3 months of the pandemic. In my view this study shows the importance of having an ongoing…
  • Announcing 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee
    Announcing 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee, Elba Pascual Goñi MD, PhD The Benson Fellowship is a three-year fellowship that provides an opportunity for scientists to engage in peripheral nerve of study. The Fellowship provides funds of up to $150,000 for three years, but only one Benson fellowship is awarded every three year period. We are pleased…
  • Announcing the 2017 GBS|CIDP Foundation Grant Awardees
    2017 GBS|CIDP Foundation Grant Awardees (#1) Title of the project: Enhance Peripheral Nerve Repair by Modulating Macrophage Subsets Investigator: Gang Zhang, M.D; Ph.D Assistant Professor of Neurology University of Texas, Health Sciences Center at Houston Synopsis: Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is now the first-line therapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). However, there are many disadvantages including high cost, supply…
  • Benson Clinical Research Fellowship 2014
    The GBS CIDP Foundation International is pleased to announce a competition for the first Benson Clinical Research Fellowship. The aim of the scheme is to provide funds (up to $150k per year for three years) to enable clinicians or non-clinical scientists in training or having recently completed training to engage in a substantial research project…
  • Children with rapid-onset paralysis: is it GBS?
    Children with rapid-onset paralysis: is it GBS? by Patricia Blomkwist An interesting article* was published in the “European Journal of Neurology” about a study in children. Prof. Bart Jacobs (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) was one of the authors. He wondered why, contrary to expectations, some children diagnosed with GBS did not recover well….
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) – Patients and Family Members – Research Opportunity
    LaGrippe Research, a market research firm specializing in healthcare, is inviting individuals diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), as well as family members who help support/care for a loved one diagnosed with CIDP, to participate in their research study. This will be an in-person usability study, and those who qualify will be invited to…
  • CIDP Disease Burden — Results of a US Nationwide Patient Survey
    In 2017, a nationwide survey of US CIDP patients was conducted to assess the impact of disease-related disability and treatment on lifestyle and work activities. Approximately 3250 individuals aged ≥18 years, recruited by the GBS|CIDP Foundation and self-reported to have CIDP, were invited to complete an online survey; of these, 475 completed the survey and…
  • CSL Behring Announces FDA Approval of Privigen®
    CSL Behring Announces FDA Approval of Privigen® [Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10% Liquid] for the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) in Adults KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., Sept. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Global biotherapeutics leader CSL Behring today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Privigen® [Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), 10% Liquid] for the treatment of…
  • Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome and validation of Brighton criteria
    Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome and validation of Brighton criteria from Brain, A Journal of Neurology.
  • Dr. Bart Jacobs, Vice Chairman of GMAB, and co-authors, “Editor’s Choice,” Brain Journal
    An article published in Brain Journal, September 25, 2018, regarding research findings of the International Guillain Barre Outcome Survey (IGOS), partially supported by GBS|CIDP Foundation International, received the “Editor’s Choice.” Findings of IGOS are significant to the GBS community as noted in the abstract summary of article
  • Evidera Steroid Survey for CIDP Patients
    We are sharing this research opportunity on behalf of Evidera, an independent healthcare research company, on a study examining side effects associated with steroid medications. Evidera’s team is hoping to gain more insight into these side effects and how they impact one’s quality of life by conducting one-on-one interviews with individuals with CIDP, who have…
  • FDA approves CSL Behring treatment for CIDP
    The Food and Drug Administration granted marketing clearance Friday for Hizentra, a treatment for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) developed by CSL Behring.  Lisa Butler, executive director of the GBS/CIDP Foundation International, said “The approval of Hizentra offers patients who were once burdened by traveling to the infusion center or hospital the flexibility to self-administer their treatment at…
  • Foundation Hosted Patient Listening Session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome with The FDA
    On September 29, 2020, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International organized a patient-led listening session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). More than 30 members of various branches within the FDA logged on to the virtual meeting to hear about patients’ experiences with GBS. The FDA’s role was to listen and learn about what life is like during and…
  • GBS/CIDP Foundation International announces the establishment of the Benson Fellowship
    NARBERTH, PA, November 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – The GBS/CIDP Foundation International has established the Benson Fellowship to fund Peripheral Neuropathy Fellowships in honor of Robert Benson, a survivor of Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome, and his wife Estelle Benson. The Foundation voted to endow over $1,600,000 of its financial resources to initially fund the Fellowship. The purpose of the Benson…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International 2017 Benson Clinical Research Fellowship
    GBS|CIDP Foundation International 2017 Benson Clinical Research Fellowship   The GBS|CIDP Foundation International is pleased to announce a competition for the second Benson Clinical Research Fellowship.  The aim of the scheme is to provide funds (up to $150k per year for three years) to enable clinicians or non-clinical scientists in training or having recently completed training…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International announces the first recipient of the Benson Fellowship to fund a Peripheral Inflammatory Neuropathy Fellowship
    NARBERTH, Pa., Nov. 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — The GBS|CIDP Foundation International has announced the recipient of the first Benson Fellowship. This year’s winner is Dr. Ruth Huizinga, from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Ruth presented her project, “High innate responsiveness to microbial triggers predisposing to the Guillain- Barre’ syndrome: identification of genetic causal variants” at the Foundation’s 13th International…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s Global Medical Advisory Board recommendations on Zika virus and Guillain-Barré syndrome
    PHILADELPHIA, /PRNewswire/ — The GBS|CIDP Foundation International has been closely following the fast moving story of Guillain-Barré syndrome following Zika infection first in French Polynesia and now in South America. On February 29, 2016, The Lancet released the first full account of the French Polynesian experience with GBS and Zika. The worldwide incidence of GBS…
  • Global Plasma Leaders Collaborate to Accelerate Development of Potential COVID-19 Hyperimmune Therapy
    Partnership brings together world-leading plasma companies to focus on developing and delivering a hyperimmune immunoglobulin in the global fight against COVID-19.
  • Grifols Announces Formal Collaboration with US Government to Produce the First Treatment Specifically Targeting COVID-19
    Grifols Announces Formal Collaboration with US Government to Produce the First Treatment Specifically Targeting COVID-19
  • Hansa Medical receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation for IdeS and the treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome
    February 16, 2018 Hansa Medical today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug designation (ODD) to IdeS (INN: Imlifidase) for the treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Hansa Medical, a Swedish company, is developing a drug, IdeS, which inactivates IgG. This inactivation would be like an instant plasmapheresis treatment. In…
  • How You Can Manage Fatigue
    Submitted by Dr. Gareth Parry, Global Medical Advisory Board Member and GBS Support Group NZ Trust An online activity-focused coaching programme helps reduce fatigue in people after Guillain-Barré Syndrome 60-80% of people with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) report persistent fatigue which significantly limits everyday functioning despite good recovery of strength. Dr Suzie Mudge who is a…
  • IMAGiNe study
    IgM paraprotein associated polyneuropathy is a slowly progressive disease with numbness or tingling of arms and legs and severe imbalance. Occasionally, tremors and weakness are present. These symptoms are disabling, but difficult to measure. In addition, the disease is relatively rare, not very well-known, and there is no cure available. The IMAGiNe study aims to…
  • INCbase
    INCbase Update  Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is a rare disorder that affects different people in different ways. The symptoms, treatment response, and disease course may vary from person to person, or even in the same person at different stages of the disease. As previously reported in 2017, INCbase is a study that intends to…
  • Incidence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Rising As Zika Spreads
    Dr. Kenneth C. Gorson, MDPresident Elect GBS|CIDP Foundation International Global Medical Advisory BoardGuillain-Barre syndrome (GBS)Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) Medical Research: What is Guillain-Barré Syndrome? What are the main symptoms?Dr. Gorson: Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an immune mediated disorder affecting the peripheral motor and sensory nerves and nerve roots, and is the most common cause…
  • Inspiring the Next Generation of Research at the GBS|CIDP Foundation International Patient Symposium  
    As part of the 2023 International Patient Symposium, the Foundation was thrilled to welcome seven young medical professionals – ranging from those in their residency to those finishing their Ph.D. – to join the conference and learn from our Global Medical Advisory Board and from the patient community. These young professionals attended sessions, facilitated Q&A’s,…
  • Interlaken Leadership Awards
    The Interlaken Leadership Awards support original research in the field of neuroimmunology. Investigators whose proposals are approved by the review committee will receive monetary grants and/or drug supply. The size of the individual grants is not predetermined, in order to accommodate a wide variety of investigator needs. However small innovative trials and pilot studies may…
  • Japanese Ecuilizumab Trial for GBS
    A new treatment with compliment inhibition improves motor function in Guillain- Barré syndrome: Japanese eculizumab trial for Guillain- Barré syndrome (JET-GBS) Recent basic studies on the pathophysiology of Guillain- Barré syndrome (GBS) have shown that complement activation has a major role on peripheral nerve damage in GBS. Eculizumab (Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc) is a humanized monoclonal antibody…
  • Largest Ever CIDP Clinical Study Completed
    Largest Ever CIDP Clinical Study Completed PATH study evaluated subcutaneous immunoglobulin efficacy and safety for treating Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa. – 01 March 2017 – Global biotherapeutics leader CSL Behring announced today that it has completed the largest ever Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) trial, known as PATH (Polyneuropathy And Treatment…
  • New Research Grant Announced: Exploring possible role of TGR5 and FXR in autoimmune neuropathy
    Please join us in congratulating, 2019 GBS|CIDP Research Grant Recipient, Betty Soliven, MD for her study: Exploring the possible role of TGR5 and FXR in autoimmune neuropathy Betty Soliven, MD is a Professor and the Associate Chair for Faculty Affairs of the Department of Neurology at the University of Chicago Synopsis There is increasing evidence…
  • New Study Reveals No Association Between COVID-19 and Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    A UK based epidemiological study, linked below, has found no causal association between COVID-19 infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome. This means that GBS developing at the same time or close to that of COVID-19 is most likely coincidental.
  • Now Accepting Applications for 2020 Research Grants
    As part of the GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s mission to provide education and support research, we offer research grants to qualified applicants.
  • Please join us in Congratulating 2019 GBS|CIDP Foundation Research Grant Recipient, Dr. Eduardo Nobile-Orazio
    The 2019 GBS|CIDP Foundation Research Grant Recipient is Dr. Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, Associate Professor of  Neurology, at Milan University, and Chair of the Neuromuscular and Neuroimmunology Service at Humanitas Clinical and Research Institute in Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
  • Progress in diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
    Published in The Lancet, May 7, 2019 Co-authored by Carina Bunschoten, Bart C Jacobs, Peter U K Van den Bergh, David R. Cornblath, Pieter A van Doorn
  • Propionate Exerts Neuroprotective and Neuroregenerative Effects in the Peripheral Nervous System
    Propionate Exerts Neuroprotective and Neuroregenerative Effects in the Peripheral Nervous System A  recent study from Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, was able to demonstrate that the short-chain fatty acid, propionate, has a protective and regenerative effect on the peripheral nervous system in cell culture and in animal experiments. Dr. Thomas Grüter who headed the cell culture and…
  • Research Article: Pathogenesis of GBS based on mice strains
    Development of a major histocompatibility complex class II conditional knockout mouse to study cell-specific and time-dependent adaptive immune responses in peripheral nerves Published by: Eroboghene E. Ubogu MD, Jeremy A. Conner BS, Yimin Wang PhD, Dinesh Yadav PhD, Thomas L. Saunders PhD Read the research article here:
  • Research in CIDP: Are we making progress?
    By Jeffrey A. Allen, MDMember, GBS|CIDP Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board CIDP as a named disease entity is now about 4 decades old. The laboratory data that helps define the disease, nerve conduction studies and in some cases cerebral spinal fluid and nerve biopsy, is even older; and the initial description of what has now…
  • Research Poster Opportunity for GBS, CIDP, MMN Patient Symposium
    We Invite You to Participate! As valued members of our medical community, we would like to inform you and your colleagues in training, residents, and fellows of a special opportunity to participate in the 2023 GBS|CIDP Foundation Patient Symposium, October 5-7 in Alexandria, VA. Poster Request Drs. Jeffrey Allen and Bart Jacobs, as Chair and…
  • Research Published on Quality of Life in Inflammatory Neuropathies: the IN-Qol
    In 2008 the GBS|CIDP Foundation awarded a $60,000 to Ingemar S. J. Merkies, MD, PHD Universiteit Maastricht(The Netherlands), Professor Pieter A. van Doorn (GMAB member) Erasmus MC (The Netherlands) and Richard A. Lewis, MD  (GMAB member), Cedars Sinai, for their study in Peripheral Neuropathy Outcome Measures Standardisation (PeriNomS). On February 20, 2018 a paper was…
  • Research Study: Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome
    Nursing Researchers from the University of Kansas School of Nursing are performing a research study with participants who have had a moderate to severe case of Guillain-Barre’ syndrome.
  • Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin: A Newly Approved Treatment Option for CIDP
    David Saperstein, MD Co-Director GBS/CIDP Center of Excellence Phoenix Neurological Associates Phoenix, AZ Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is one of the main therapies used to treat CIDP. This therapy can be very effective but there are drawbacks. Some people experience headaches related to the intravenous infusions. Some people have difficulty with IV access. Also, the need…
  • The Alan J. Gebhart – Peripheral Nerve Society Prize For Excellence In Peripheral Nerve Research
    The Board of the Peripheral Nerve Society is proud to announce that at the 2015 Meeting in Quebec City, Canada, the Alan J. Gebhart – Peripheral Nerve Society Prize for Excellence in Peripheral Nerve Research will be given for the first time.
  • The Largest Survey of CIDP Patients Published in July 2011
    RESEARCH IS CRITICAL TO SERVING THE CAUSE & THE COMMUNITY The Largest Survey of CIDP Patients Published in July 2011 A survey was mailed to 2,400 of our patient members in December 2010. The results and conclusion were compelling, and supported what specialists have suspected in recent years. Read below for all the details. Demographics…
  • The PATH Study
    Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) and Treatment With Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (IgPro20) The PATH Study was a trial that investigated immunoglobulin treatment infused with a pump into the tissue under the skin (subcutaneously). There are several advantage of subcutaneous over intravenous treatment, e.g. patients or their caregivers can treat themselves at home, there are less severe…
  • Towards an affordable treatment of GBS for patients from low-income countries
    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) takes its toll on the resource poor developing countries where the incidence of GBS is several fold higher than that of Europe and North America. In Bangladesh, 15% of patients with GBS die and 20% remain unable to walk. The poor outcome of GBS in these countries is explained predominantly by the…
  • Update from the International Guillain–Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS)
    Diagnosis and management of Guillain–Barré syndrome in ten steps Portuguese Spanish Chinese Nature Reviews Neurology:; Published Sept 20, 2019. Explanation of the above referenced article below. Authors: Sonja Leonhard, Melissa Mandarakas, Francisco de Assis Aquino Gondim, Kathleen Bateman, Maria Lúcia Ferreira, David Cornblath, Pieter van Doorn, Mario Dourado, Richard Hughes, Badrul Islam, S Kusunoki, Carlos Pardo, Ricardo Reisin, Jim…
  • Your Donations in Action
    In 2016 The GBS|CIDP Foundation awarded a research grant to Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, MD, PhD, FAAN, Professor of Neurology Neuromuscular and Neuroimmunology Service at Milan University. Dr. Nobile-Orazio’s 2016 study titled: An Italian Multicenter Network for the diagnosis and therapy of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) and of its variants, contributed to the 2019 article: Risk factors for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP): antecedent events, lifestyle and dietary habits. Data from the Italian CIDP Database., published by the EAN (European Academy of Neurology). Update: GBS|CIDP Foundation Research 2016 Grant Recipient, Dr. Eduardo Nobil-Orazio, published in Journal of Neurology, Journal of Neuroimmunology, and Wiley Online Library, and EAN.

Research Surveys and Studies

  • A Multicenter Prospective Longitudinal Study of Clinical Outcomes, Disease Course, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Health Care Resource Utilization in Adult Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
    This prospective longitudinal study will follow participants with Multifocal Motor Neuropathy over time and collect data on their clinical outcomes, quality of life, and use of health care resources. Participants will follow their regular visit schedule with their treating physician, except for an optional second visit occurring 7 to 14 days after the start of the study to collect biomarker data. No investigational medical product will be administered.
  • Adults with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) and Family Caregivers Needed
    Listed by: Interface Analysis Associates LLC Who is Eligible? About the Study Compensation – Time Commitment Interested in Participating? Contact our recruiters: About Interface Analysis Associates LLC. (IAA) IAA is a leading consumer healthcare research firm led by Dr. Anthony Andre, Ph. D, CDE. IAA has been in business for 30 years performing non-invasive simulated…
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) – Patients and Family Members – Research Opportunity
    LaGrippe Research, a market research firm specializing in healthcare, is inviting individuals diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), as well as family members who help support/care for a loved one diagnosed with CIDP, to participate in their research study. This will be an in-person usability study, and those who qualify will be invited to…
  • CIDP Patient Perspectives on IG Treatment
    CIDP Patient Perspectives on IG Treatment A research team is looking for participants for a market research study on treatments for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). If you currently receive immunoglobulin (or Ig) therapy for CIDP, you might be a good fit for this study. Help others with CIDP by participating in this important research….
  • Evidera Steroid Survey for CIDP Patients
    We are sharing this research opportunity on behalf of Evidera, an independent healthcare research company, on a study examining side effects associated with steroid medications. Evidera’s team is hoping to gain more insight into these side effects and how they impact one’s quality of life by conducting one-on-one interviews with individuals with CIDP, who have…
  • Health-Related Online Survey
    We are excited to invite you to participate in an important health-related online survey! Your insights are crucial in shaping our understanding and initiatives. Please take a moment to share your valuable experiences. For those who qualify, the survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Click the link to get started. Your input matters…
  • Patient and Caregiver Preferences on CIDP Treatment
    Patient and Caregiver Preferences on CIDP Treatment A research team is looking for patients and their caregivers to participate in an online survey about experiences with CIDP and preferences for CIDP treatments. Your perspectives will help improve the understanding of patients’ and caregivers’ preferences and inform the development of future potential CIDP treatments. If you…
  • Understanding the Patient Experience with CIDP
    Understanding the Patient Experience with CIDP Global Patients is working with Clarivate (a research consultancy) looking for adults in the US who are diagnosed with CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy)
  • Validation of Skin Biopsy to Detect Nerve Demyelination in the Diagnosis and Treatment of CIDP at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Validation of Skin Biopsy to Detect Nerve Demyelination in the Diagnosis and Treatment of CIDP at Vanderbilt University Medical Center We are doing this study to learn if a novel test using skin biopsy of the finger could prove to bea better diagnostic test for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) than the current test. We…

Speaker Series Summary

  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Benson Fellowship Research Updates”
    Speaker Series – Episode 7 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, we dive into the world of science to understand Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) from our Benson Fellowship Awardees Dr. Elba Pascual Goñi MD, PhD, Ruth Huizinga, PhD. Relevant Resources Centers of Excellence: Doctor to Doctor Consult:…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Current Treatment Options​ for GBS, CIDP, MMN, and Variants”
    Speaker Series – Episode 6 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, we dive into the world of treatments for GBS, CIDP, and MMN as well as understanding them from Dr. Saperstein, a neurologist on our Global Medical Advisory Board. GBS CIDP MMN Anti-Mag Waiting for FDA Approval Relevant Resources Treatment guidelines –…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Current Treatments and Emerging Trials for GBS, CIDP, and MMN”
    Speaker Series – Episode 12 Summary In this Speaker Series episode, Dr. Jeffery Allen educates us about the current treatments for GBS, CIDP, and MMN as well as explain current trials and their findings. Dr. Allen is an associate professor of neurology at the University of Minnesota, adjunct faculty at Northwestern University, and the chairman…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Eating Matters, Tip for Staying Well”
    Speaker Series – Episode 13 Summary In this Speaker Series episode, we talked with Ms. Kate Costello, a Licensed Nutrition Specialist, Mentor and Wellness coach, about nutrition and how to eat in the face of challenges with our conditions. Resources Learn more about our Patient Registry Explore other Speaker Series Summaries Join a community with…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Fatigue”
    Speaker Series – Episode 10 Summary In this Speaker Series episode, we talked with Dr. Stojan Peric, a researcher and professor, at the University of Belgrade in Serbia and a neurologist at the Clinical Center of Serbia. Catch up on the conversation with Dr. Peric and learn what fatigue is, how it is triggered, and…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Guide to an Election Year for the GBS|CIDP Community”
    Speaker Series – Episode 8 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, we talked with Phil Goglas about the status of our HR 5818 Bill, advocacy strategies, and more! Phil Goglas is a managing partner at the Health and Medical Counsel in Washington, DC, a government relations firm that provides access and guidance to…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “How To Be Your Own Advocate”
    Speaker Series – Episode 3 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, we dive into conversations that patient should have with their doctor from three MMN patients, Pam Stoikopoulos, Richard Sparry, and Clive Phillips. Resources Website Information – What is MMN? Speaker Series Episode – What is MMN? Centers of Excellence – Center for…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Navigating Your Health Care Journey”
    Speaker Series – Episode 5 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, we dive into the world of navigating your health care journey with steps to take, how coverage works, and understanding levels of care with Health Navigator, Amy Stein. Amy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has over 25 years of experience…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Pain and Integrative Pain Management Practices”
    Speaker Series – Episode 4 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, Dr. Linda Bluestein, a board-certified anesthesiologist, integrative pain medicine physician, former ballet dancer, and expert in hyper-mobility disorders, who shares her experience and expertise on pain and pain management through the acronym MENS PMMS. Resources Treatment guidelines – Treatments & Access…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Powerful Storytelling”
    Speaker Series – Episode 9 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, expert storytellers from Change for Balance gave our patient community tips and tricks to become powerful storytellers. Change for Balance is a strategic communications and production agency with a mission to help change the world. The Change for Balance team is made…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Variants of GBS and CIDP”
    Speaker Series – Episode 2 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, we talked with Dr. Karissa Gable from Duke University about variants of GBS and CIDP, mimics, its symptoms, and how each are treated. Resources Treatment guidelines – Treatments & Access page – Centers of Excellence – Doctor to Doctor…
  • Speaker Series Webinar: “Workplace Accommodations”
    Speaker Series – Episode 11 Summary In this Speaker Series episode, we talked with Ms. Michele Dearing, a member of our board of directors and attorney in Washington, DC. Michele is a GBS survivor and currently lives with CIDP. She’s very active in many of our patient programs and advocacy initiatives. Disclaimer: The information provided…
  • Speaker Series Webinar:”What is Multifocal Motor Neuropathy?”
    Speaker Series – Episode 1 Summary In this episode of our Speaker Series, we discuss what MMN is with Dr. Michal Vytopil from Beth Israel Lahey Health and Brenda Perales, an MMN patient and volunteer, who share their expertise on the clinical course, diagnosis and progression of MMN, and available treatments and resources for patients….

Topics of Interest

  • “You Can’t Have a Disorder, You Look So Good” Coffee Chat
    On June 22, 2021, we held our monthly Coffee Chat with over 26 of our members in attendance. The discussion was centered around the theme of “You Can’t Have a Disorder, You Look So Good,” whereby members opened up about the struggles of living a life with an “internal” illness, that is not always visible…
  • [On Demand Webinar] Living With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)? Why Your Participation in Trials Matters!
    Now Available on Demand Join a neurologist, patient advocate and person with MMN for our on-demand webinar: Living With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy? Why Your Participation in Trials Matters! You will learn how observational, investigational, and clinical trials can benefit people with MMN. Plus, you will find out how you can enroll in specific ongoing trials….
  • 2015 Advocacy Efforts Update
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation is constantly working with our legislators on Capitol Hill to pass legislation that both directly and indirectly improves the lives of our patients. Here’s a snapshot of what we accomplished in 2015, and what we have on the docket for 2016: Consistent with the community’s request, NIH received an additional $2 billion…
  • 2022 GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    May is GBS|CIDP Awareness Month May is GBS|CIDP Awareness Month around the world!  This year we spreading awareness and support through new and innovative programming, including the Be the Bridge Awareness Campaign directed to Healthcare Professionals. Additionally we are launching a New Advocacy Training series, and an Ask the Expert Presentation, you will not want…
  • 7th Interlaken Leadership Awards
      Interlaken Leadership Awards The Interlaken Leadership Awards support original research in the field of neuroimmunology. Investigators whose proposals are approved by the review committee will receive monetary grants and/or drug supply. The size of the individual grants is not predetermined, in order to accommodate a wide variety of investigator needs. However small innovative trials…
  • A Capitol Hill Kick-Off for GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    2024 Hill Day Written by Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator  To kick off the first day of GBS|CIDP Awareness month, the Foundation went to Capitol Hill with over 30 volunteers consisting of patients, care partners, health care professionals, and many of our staff. Prior to Hill Day, volunteers participated in a compelling storytelling webinar series to…
  • A Practical Guide to Identify Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, a Treatable Immune-Mediated Neuropathy
    A Practical Guide to Identify Patients With Multifocal Motor Neuropathy, a Treatable Immune-Mediated Neuropathy Click here to view the article Published by PubMed on January 8, 2024.
  • Adapt. Adjust. Accept.
    Highlights from Adaptive Devices Ask the Experts Videocast “My devices enable me to attain self-sufficiency and independence” – Victor Sheronas The recovery process from GBS, CIDP, MMN and other variants can be a long, even sometimes life-long process. When patients leave the hospital, they are transitioning into a space that in most cases is not…
  • Adaptive Devices, New Patient-Reported Product List
    Adaptive Devices, New Patient-Reported Product List LIFE with Peripheral Neuropathy just got a little easier… Our Adaptive devices table at this year’s Symposium was a huge hit, thanks to the great efforts of  volunteers Julie Bell and Emma Bao! But it doesn’t end there, we have published a list of unique items that are used to…
  • Advocacy Action Alert: We Need YOUR HELP!
    As many of you know, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International is actively involved in political advocacy within the United States to help improve the lives of our patients. We are currently working on getting GBS included on a list of conditions deemed eligible for study under the Department of Defense’s Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP), which…
  • Advocacy On & Off Capitol Hill
    By Chelsey Fix, Advocacy Manager I blinked and it turned into November! It seems like no time at all since we started this important advocacy work during Awareness Month in May, but I have to remind myself that it has been 6 months! Besides the essential work we have done together to advance HR 2905…
  • An Update from the International Guillain-Barre Study (IGOS) by Dr. Bart Jacobs
    The IGOS-1000 cohort has now been tested for the main preceding infections and is currently tested for antibodies extensively. We have also recently finalized a study in IGOS on the association between GBS and SARS-CoV-2 during the first 3 months of the pandemic. In my view this study shows the importance of having an ongoing…
  • Angela’s Adaptive Devices
    Written by Angela Patton Angela Patton is a member of GBS|CIDP’s Advisory Committee. In 2017, after an eight months struggle for a proper diagnosis, Angela was diagnosed with CIDP.  Here is Angela’s story… I was barely able to walk, and struggled during this time in my educational, and professional life. I have been on various…
  • Announcing 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee
    Announcing 2022 Benson Fellowship Awardee, Elba Pascual Goñi MD, PhD The Benson Fellowship is a three-year fellowship that provides an opportunity for scientists to engage in peripheral nerve of study. The Fellowship provides funds of up to $150,000 for three years, but only one Benson fellowship is awarded every three year period. We are pleased…
  • Announcing the 2017 GBS|CIDP Foundation Grant Awardees
    2017 GBS|CIDP Foundation Grant Awardees (#1) Title of the project: Enhance Peripheral Nerve Repair by Modulating Macrophage Subsets Investigator: Gang Zhang, M.D; Ph.D Assistant Professor of Neurology University of Texas, Health Sciences Center at Houston Synopsis: Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is now the first-line therapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). However, there are many disadvantages including high cost, supply…
  • Anti-MAG Variant Page Added
    The Foundation is proud to announce the publication of an information page about Anti-MAG Peripheral Neuropathy on the Foundation website. The page contains useful information regarding the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of anti-MAG. You can check it out here:
  • August Advocacy
    Every year, Congressional Members take the month of August to spend time in their State or District to learn more about the issues that matter most to the people they represent. This is a great chance to connect with the local office – every Member has at least one office in their State or District…
  • Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Access to Plasma-Based Medicines
    Senators Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) introduced the bipartisan Preserving Life-saving Access to Specialty Medicines in America (PLASMA) Act, legislation to ensure individuals with rare diseases and immunodeficiencies have access to necessary plasma-based medicines. “The GBS|CIDP Foundation International proudly supports the PLASMA Act and all policies that promote patient access to plasma medicines. Many…
  • Breaking News in Dallas, TX – Travis Frederick of Dallas Cowboys diagnosed with GBS
    In response to the breaking news in Dallas this morning regarding Travis Frederick of the Dallas Cowboys, and his recent Guillain-Barré Syndrome diagnosis, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International issues the following statements, for those seeking clarity and more information.
  • Call on Airlines to Respect People with Rare Conditions and their Medical Equipment
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International acknowledges the urgent need for airlines to respect and improve their treatment of people with rare conditions and their medical equipment while at airports and flying. Too often, mobility devices, wheelchairs, and other medical equipment are mishandled or damaged by airline staff due to neglectful treatment and a lack of understanding…
  • Campaign to Raise Awareness of Rare Neurological Condition
    Neuropathy Action Foundation and GBS/CIDP Foundation International Launch Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) Campaign to Raise Awareness of Rare Neurological Condition Educational Brochure and Public Service Announcement Intended to Help with Early and Accurate Diagnosis of Serious Condition FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, August 15, 2013, Santa Ana, CA — The Neuropathy Action Foundation (NAF) and the GBS/CIDP…
  • Celebrating 34 Years of the ADA with Ralph G. Neas
    An Interview with Ralph G. Neas, GBS and CIDP Written by: Ellie Herman, Advocacy Coordinator Thirty-Four years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. We decided to celebrate the anniversary of this monumental piece of legislation by sitting down with Ralph G. Neas, a key civil rights leader in Washington, who…
  • Celebrating a One Year Anniversary this Rare Disease Day!
    Rare Disease Day 2020 marks a very special anniversary for the entire GBS|CIDP community. The Foundation is pleased to report that is has been one year since the launch of our GBS|CIDP Patient Registry!
  • Charity Navigator Names GBS|CIDP Foundation as ‘Charity Worth Watching’
    10 Charities Worth Watching Many of America’s most effective charities are also household names. But some well-known charities are less effective than you’d think, while a number of lesser known charities are truly exceptional. These 10 charities all operate on less than $2 million a year, but they all earn a four-star rating from Charity Navigator….
  • Children with rapid-onset paralysis: is it GBS?
    Children with rapid-onset paralysis: is it GBS? by Patricia Blomkwist An interesting article* was published in the “European Journal of Neurology” about a study in children. Prof. Bart Jacobs (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) was one of the authors. He wondered why, contrary to expectations, some children diagnosed with GBS did not recover well….
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) – Patients and Family Members – Research Opportunity
    LaGrippe Research, a market research firm specializing in healthcare, is inviting individuals diagnosed with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), as well as family members who help support/care for a loved one diagnosed with CIDP, to participate in their research study. This will be an in-person usability study, and those who qualify will be invited to…
  • CIDP Education Session – Now Available On Demand
    Diagnosed with CIDP: Shared Decision-Making Approach to Care and a Treatment Option for Adults Join us for an enlightening online presentation on Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) now available to watch on demand. Lisa Butler, Executive Director of the GBS|CIDP Foundation International, moderates this panel discussion featuring 2 doctors with expertise in CIDP and Jon,…
  • CIDP Webinar On-Demand
    Strength to Move Forward: Drake’s CIDP Experience and an Overview of an IVIg Treatment Option for Adults with CIDP This program is sponsored by Pfizer, Inc. Now Available to Watch on Demand Join Lisa Butler from the GBS|CIDP Foundation International, a neurologist, and a person living with CIDP for the online educational presentation, “Strength to…
  • Congratulations to our Mazawey Fellowship Recipient
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International proudly announces the recipient of the first Mazawey Fellowship. This year’s winner is Dr. Marielle H.J. Pruppers from the Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Her study, “IgM Anti-MAG Peripheral Neuropathy: From Proper Assessment to Trial Needs- (IMAGiNe study) was selected for this prestigious award and was…
  • Congressman John Garamendi, Champion for GBS in the US Congress
    Congressman John Garamendi, recently honored as our Legislator of the Year at our 35th Anniversary Gala, continues to be a Champion for GBS and the GBS|CIDP Foundation! Congressman Garamendi recently released the following “Dear Colleague” letter to help raise awareness and support of our conditions and the services we provide in the wake of the…
  • Discussion on Healthy Lifestyle and a Treatment Option for Adults with CIDP
    Strength to Move Forward – Discussion on Healthy Lifestyle and a Treatment Option for Adults with CIDP Sponsored by Pfizer Inc. Available on Demand – Full Program Strength to Move Forward – Discussion on Healthy Lifestyle and a Treatment Option for Adults with CIDP, an educational event produced by the GBS|CIDP Foundation International in collaboration…
  • Dr. Jeffrey Allen, New Global Medical Board Chairman
    Please join us as we recognize Dr. Peter Donofrio, MD for all of his hard work and dedication as chairman of our Global Medical Advisory Board. As Peter steps down, we welcome Dr. Jeffrey Allen, MD as the new Chairman. Congratulations Jeff! We are honored to have your leadership and vision! Jeffrey Allen, MD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology…
  • Estelle Benson, Founder, Wins PSI’s President’s Award
    The Foundation is pleased to announce that our founder, Estelle Benson, was awarded the President’s Award from the Patient Services, Inc. (PSI). The Foundation’s Regional Directors and several Board Members joined the PSI community in honoring Estelle on April 22, 2015. The reception was held in Washington, DC at the Rayburn House Office Building. In…
  • Executive Director, Lisa Butler discusses legislation, for patients on Medicare, with NHC
    Executive Director, Lisa Butler discusses legislation, for patients on Medicare, with NHC. Full article here:
  • FDA approves CSL Behring treatment for CIDP
    The Food and Drug Administration granted marketing clearance Friday for Hizentra, a treatment for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) developed by CSL Behring.  Lisa Butler, executive director of the GBS/CIDP Foundation International, said “The approval of Hizentra offers patients who were once burdened by traveling to the infusion center or hospital the flexibility to self-administer their treatment at…
  • FDA Warning for Guillain–Barre Syndrome and the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
    A Statement from the Foundation Global Medical Advisory Board The Washington Post and New York Times published on July 12, 2021 articles of a report by the FDA regarding cases of purported GBS after receiving the Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine.  Approximately 100 reports of suspected GBS were experienced by 12.8 million subjects who…
  • Foundation Hosted Patient Listening Session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome with The FDA
    On September 29, 2020, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International organized a patient-led listening session on Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). More than 30 members of various branches within the FDA logged on to the virtual meeting to hear about patients’ experiences with GBS. The FDA’s role was to listen and learn about what life is like during and…
  • Foundation Welcomes New International Affairs Director
    New International Affairs Director Please join us in welcoming Nancy Di Salvo to the GBS|CIDP Staff as our new International Affairs Director! A tireless international volunteer for the GBS|CIDP community since 2013 and a Board Member since 2019, Nancy has educated and supported numerous patients worldwide. We look forward to having Nancy join our staff,…
  • From Diagnosis to Treatment: Patient-centered Care with the New CIDP Guidelines
    From Diagnosis to Treatment: Patient-centered Care with the New CIDP Guidelines Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is frequently misdiagnosed as other neurological conditions. New guidelines were recently released to help clinicians identify symptoms earlier and provide the best course of treatment. We invite you to join an expert panel of neurologists and representatives from the…
  • GBS Patient Completes his 7th Marathon
    Michael was diagnosed with GBS nine and a half years ago as he was getting ready to complete his 30th full marathon. Instead of running, he stumbled into his doctor’s office and was told to go straight to the hospital. At that moment, Michael didn’t realize the events that would unfold in the 135 days…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month
    GBS|CIDP Foundation Announces Philadelphia Skyline to Illuminate Blue and Green in Honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month The GBS|CIDP Foundation International proudly announces that the Philadelphia skyline will be illuminated in blue and green on May 21st in honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month. The buildings participating are: Subaru of America, Peco, Cira Center, and 1735 Market. The…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation Hosts a Virtual Summit
    Back by popular demand, our 2024 Virtual Summit, on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th, will feature a wide range of educational panels and presentations, as recorded at the 2023 Washington, DC Patient Symposium. The Virtual Summit is a FREE and easy-access one-day event, showcasing the best practices for navigating the journey through GBS,…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International continues to work with FDA on GBS|CIDP patient concerns
    After holding a GBS Patient Listening session with the FDA in the Summer of 2020, the Foundation has continued to work with key leadership at the FDA to continue bringing the patient voice to their current work. The FDA holds a very special role in the US healthcare system. Their job is to review and…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International earns perfect 100 score from Charity Navigator
    GBS|CIDP Foundation International announced it has earned a flawless score of 100 from Charity Navigator for Financial Health, and Accountability and Transparency. Charities with these distinctions execute their missions in a fiscally responsible way while adhering to good governance and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities. These two 100 ratings translate…
  • GBS|CIDP Foundation International’s Global Medical Advisory Board recommendations on Zika virus and Guillain-Barré syndrome
    PHILADELPHIA, /PRNewswire/ — The GBS|CIDP Foundation International has been closely following the fast moving story of Guillain-Barré syndrome following Zika infection first in French Polynesia and now in South America. On February 29, 2016, The Lancet released the first full account of the French Polynesian experience with GBS and Zika. The worldwide incidence of GBS…
  • GBS|CIDP Pop Up Shop Now Open!
    New in 2016! At the GBS|CIDP Foundation we are proud to be a part of such an amazing & supportive group! What better way to display that pride than with some wearable goodies! Supplies are limited! All prices include US Shipping (if International – Please also include the ‘International Shipping’ option at check out. Hanes…
  • Getting Well Outdoors
    Ecotherapy Ecotherapy integrates nature-based activities and ecological awareness into therapeutic practices, aiming to enhance mental health by fostering a connection with the environment, whereas regular talk therapy primarily involves verbal discussions in a clinical setting to address psychological issues. The information below was sourced from the Getting Well Outdoors Wellness Webinar. You can find the…
  • Guillain–Barré Syndrome Associated with Zika Virus Infection in Colombia
    Global Medical Advisory Board Member, Dr. David Cornblath, Pens ‘Guillain–Barré Syndrome Associated with Zika Virus Infection in Colombia’ for the The New England Journal of Medicine. Click here to follow link to the article in the New England Journal of Medicine. For PDF version click here.
  • Honorary INC Plenary Lecture Awarded to GBS|CIDP Foundation International
    The Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS) is an international non-profit organization of scientists, physicians, and other healthcare providers working together to investigate and treat diseases of the peripheral nervous system. An Honorary INC Plenary Lecture Award was given to the GBS|CIDP Foundation by the Inflammatory Neuropathy Consortium at the PNS conference in Copenhagen. Peripheral Nerve Society…
  • How A Bill Becomes A Law (in the US)
    By Chelsey Fix, Advocacy Manager It’s been over 20 years since Schoolhouse Rock released its last video, which makes me think that we all need a refresher on the process by which a bill becomes a law! As a throwback, enjoy everyone’s favorite Schoolhouse Rock civics lesson by clicking here. As a recap, that I…
  • In Response to NY Times article, “What is the Blood of a Poor Person Worth?”
    Imagine the shock and helplessness of seeing your child’s body suddenly growing weak, clumsy, and unable to walk, or even stand; the fear that they may never live a normal life, or even survive this terrifying, disabling disorder.
  • Incidence of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Rising As Zika Spreads
    Dr. Kenneth C. Gorson, MDPresident Elect GBS|CIDP Foundation International Global Medical Advisory BoardGuillain-Barre syndrome (GBS)Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) Medical Research: What is Guillain-Barré Syndrome? What are the main symptoms?Dr. Gorson: Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an immune mediated disorder affecting the peripheral motor and sensory nerves and nerve roots, and is the most common cause…
  • Inspiring the Next Generation of Research at the GBS|CIDP Foundation International Patient Symposium  
    As part of the 2023 International Patient Symposium, the Foundation was thrilled to welcome seven young medical professionals – ranging from those in their residency to those finishing their Ph.D. – to join the conference and learn from our Global Medical Advisory Board and from the patient community. These young professionals attended sessions, facilitated Q&A’s,…
  • Keynote Address from the 13th International Symposium
    Keynote Address from the 13th International Symposium given by Given by Bart C. Jacobs, Member.
  • Largest Ever CIDP Clinical Study Completed
    Largest Ever CIDP Clinical Study Completed PATH study evaluated subcutaneous immunoglobulin efficacy and safety for treating Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa. – 01 March 2017 – Global biotherapeutics leader CSL Behring announced today that it has completed the largest ever Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) trial, known as PATH (Polyneuropathy And Treatment…
  • Marketplace Access Project Applauds Bipartisan Letter from 181 Members of Congress Urging HHS to Protect Life-Saving Charitable Patient Assistance
    Letter Introduced by Reps. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) & Doris Matsui (D-CA) Seeks to Protect Quarter of a Million Americans Who Depend on Charitable Assistance for Access to Critical Healthcare WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 31, 2017) – The Marketplace Access Project (MAP), a group of leading national patient advocacy organizations dedicated to protecting non-profit insurance premium and…
  • Medicare B will cover an immunoglobulin therapy for patients with CIDP, starting July 18, 2021
    A message from our industry partners at CSL Behring: We are pleased to share that effective July 18, Hizentra®, Immune Globulin Subcutaneous (Human), 20% Liquid, will be covered under Medicare Part B for maintenance therapy in adults with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP).* Under the new coverage, Hizentra will be covered under the same benefit…
  • Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Act
  • National Health Council Board of Directors
    Congratulations Lisa! On December 6, 2022, Executive Director, Lisa Butler was elected to the National Health Council Board of Directors. Congratulations Lisa! She is pictured here with incoming Chairman of the NHC Board, Kenneth Mendez.
  • Navigating Insurance Reimbursement in CIDP: Commercial Insurance or Medicare
    Navigating Insurance Reimbursement in CIDP: Commercial Insurance or Medicare Join us as we explore the reimbursement process as it relates to CIDP. These engaging, interactive sessions are tailored to those with either Commercial Insurance or Medicare. Register for your program today! “Navigating Insurance Reimbursement in CIDP: Commercial Insurance” explores the commercial insurance reimbursement process as…
  • New Center of Excellence in Denton, Texas
    New Center of Excellence in Denton, Texas Our Global Medical Advisory Board has set standards for what they consider to be excellent medical centers for the diagnosis and treatment of GBS and CIDP, MMN and related neuropathies. Based on levels of expertise, available treatments, facilities, and research capabilities, the COE’s are the medical centers that…
  • New Law Increases Access to Care for Chronic Conditions in California
    Neuropathy Community Applauds Enactment of AB 339 Following advocacy by the public health community, AB 339 was recently signed into law, which will help Californians with chronic conditions, like neuropathies, access healthcare by containing certain out-of-pocket costs. The vast majority of Covered California patients will see their specialty drugs capped at $250 per month, per prescription….
  • NEW! Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) Patient Assistance Program
    Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) Patient Assistance Program NORD’s Multifocal Motor Neuropathy Patient Assistance Program offers eligible individuals diagnosed with MMN financial support to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare costs directly related to the care and treatment of this diagnosis.  Contact info for NORD’s MMN Program:  Phone: 203-263-9484   Email:    The quickest way to apply is on…
  • Our Executive Director, Lisa Butler’s Interview in PPTA Winter Newsletter
    Can you tell me about the GBS|CIDP Foundation and the work you do? We were founded 35 years ago by Estelle Benson. Her husband, Bob Benson, was diagnosed with GBS and when she went to look for information and support services for this rare condition, nothing existed. She vowed that she would do something about…
  • Pamela Franks Transitions to New Role at the Foundation
    Pamela Franks Transitions to New Role at the Foundation Please join us in congratulating Pamela Franks, as she transitions from Foundation Walk & Roll Manager to her new role as Manager of Volunteer Engagement.  Through the challenges of the past 3 years, Pamela has played a critical role in our Walk & Roll program, enthusiastically…
  • Patient Listening Session on CIDP
    On June 5th, 2024, the GBS|CIDP Foundation International organized a patient-led listening session on Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). With attendance from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and 23 FDA offices, panelists were at the heart of the meeting to express various aspects of life with CIDP, including: For more information on the Patient…
  • Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for children ages 5 through 11 years
    On October 29, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 to include children ages 5 through 11 years.  The vaccine was studied in approximately 3,100 children aged 5 through 11, without reported serious side effects. No cases of myocarditis occurred during…
  • Pregnant mom relives paralysis of Guillain-Barré amid Zika virus scare
    Susan Donaldson James  Bridget Hamilton was 10 weeks pregnant when Guillain-Barré syndrome struck in 2012. The Dubuque, Iowa, mom spent 84 days in the hospital, much of the time paralyzed and in severe pain, away from her three other children. Guillain-Barré is a rare neuromuscular disease, affecting about 1 in 100,000, but higher rates…
  • Quarterback Danny Wuerffel Diagnosed with GBS
    Former quarterback Danny Wuerffel has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare autoimmune disorder that causes paralysis. Wuerffel noticed he was losing sensation in his legs and strength in his arms shortly after he battled a stomach virus June 4. Read the complete article here.
  • Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider
    Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider When living with GBS|CIDP, MMN or a related condition, having the right questions ready for your next doctor’s appointment is key to getting the care and support you need. Here are a few important questions to consider asking: Download the PDF here.
  • Rare Disease Day 2020
    Giving Hope to our Global Rare Community for #Rarediseaseday Rare Disease Day (RDD) takes place on the last day of February each year. The main objective of Rare Disease Day is to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients’ lives. This year the GBS|CIDP Foundation International has several RDD activities…
  • Rare Disease Day 2023
    How are you raising awareness for the rare community… this Rare Disease Day? (February 28, 2023) About Rare Disease Day Launched by EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe in 2008, Rare Disease Day is the patient-led international awareness campaign that brings people together in solidarity with the 300 million patients impacted by rare diseases worldwide. In 2009, Rare Disease Day became a global event when The National Organization for Rare Disorders…
  • Research Article: Pathogenesis of GBS based on mice strains
    Development of a major histocompatibility complex class II conditional knockout mouse to study cell-specific and time-dependent adaptive immune responses in peripheral nerves Published by: Eroboghene E. Ubogu MD, Jeremy A. Conner BS, Yimin Wang PhD, Dinesh Yadav PhD, Thomas L. Saunders PhD Read the research article here:
  • Sanofi Clinical Trial – CIDP Patients
     A Phase 2 clinical study in adult patients with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) Sanofi is currently recruiting patients to evaluate effectiveness and safety of a new investigational medicine called “SAR445088” for the treatment of CIDP. SAR445088 is a monoclonal antibody with a new mechanism of action as it targets the complement system directly. All…
  • Save the Date: 13th International Symposium
    Dates: October 31st – November 2nd, 2014 Location: Walt Disney World Coronado Springs Resort and Convention Center in Lake Buena Vista, Florida Find out more now! Workshops, “Ask the Expert”, Research Updates, Networking with Members, “Walk & Roll” and much more. Free Airport Transportation on Walt Disney World Express Free WIFI on the hotel property Room Rate $125…
  • The Access to Marketplace Insurance Act (H.R. 3742)
      Access to Marketplace Insurance Act (H.R. 3742) This bill amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to require health insurers to accept, on behalf of individuals enrolled in qualified health plans, payments made by certain third parties, including state and federal government programs, Indian tribes, tribal organizations, urban Indian organizations, and certain tax exempt…
  • The Big Get Together
    The Big Get Together Article was written by: Claire Shaw, CIDP Patient and GAIN Community Member When Rich asked me whether I wanted to say a few words today about the GBS and CIDP community, it made me wonder precisely how long I’ve been a member of the club that no one wants to be…
  • To All Those With Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
    Recently, one of the physicians on the GBS/CIDP Foundation Medical Advisory Board saw a man who carried the diagnosis of CIDP for 2 years. During that time, he received IVIg monthly for 18 months then plasmapheresis monthly for five months without any clinical improvement. He went to a GBS/CIDP Foundation Center of Excellence where it…
  • Treatment Options for Patients with CIDP
    Free online program for patients and caregivers Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Time: 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM ET (Support for this patient education program provided by Grifols and coproduced with NeuroCareLive) Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a treatment for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). Over the course of several hours, naturally occurring antibodies from healthy…
  • Understanding CIDP and How Immunoglobulin Treatment Works
    Educational Webinar Now On-Demand! “What Happens in CIDP and How Does Immunoglobulin Treatment Work?” is now available to watch anytime on-demand. Immunoglobulin (Ig) treatments are a type of therapy that doctors use to help people with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP). It’s important for patients to know how these treatments work and to feel comfortable…
  • UnitedHealthcare dropping four immunoglobulin products from formulary
    UnitedHealthcare (UHC), a private insurance company that provides health insurance to more than 25 million Americans nationwide, will be dropping four immunoglobulin (Ig) products from its formulary on October 1, 2023: Asceniv, Cuvitru, Cutaquig, and Panzyga. These formulary changes will affect individual UnitedHealthcare plans (i.e., those obtained through a marketplace) except in Massachusetts, Nevada, and New York. It is…
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) team joins the Birmingham Walk & Roll event
    University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) team joins the Birmingham Walk & Roll event The GBS|CIDP Foundation International team was honored to have the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) team join us for the Birmingham Walk & Roll event. Thanks to Foundation staff member, Lori, for her pivotal role in connecting with Eroboghene Ubogu…
  • University of Cincinnati and PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education CME activity
    “Improving Outcomes in Individuals with Autoimmune Neuromuscular Diseases: Practical Considerations for Identification, Differential Diagnosis, and Management” can be accessed online by visiting
  • Update from the International Guillain–Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS)
    Diagnosis and management of Guillain–Barré syndrome in ten steps Portuguese Spanish Chinese Nature Reviews Neurology:; Published Sept 20, 2019. Explanation of the above referenced article below. Authors: Sonja Leonhard, Melissa Mandarakas, Francisco de Assis Aquino Gondim, Kathleen Bateman, Maria Lúcia Ferreira, David Cornblath, Pieter van Doorn, Mario Dourado, Richard Hughes, Badrul Islam, S Kusunoki, Carlos Pardo, Ricardo Reisin, Jim…
  • Update on Zika virus and onset of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    The GBS|CIDP Foundation International and its Global Medical Advisory Board is closely monitoring the suspected link between the Zika virus and the onset of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).
  • View Our Horizon Ad & Times Square Video!
  • Volunteer spreads awareness in local hospitals
    There is no greater force than like-minds joining together for a common mission to change lives. The Foundation volunteers continue to play an active role in our community by raising awareness of GBS, CIDP, MMN, and the Foundation resources. Ray Lopez, Boca Raton Liaison, has made it his mission to visit local hospitals and share…
  • Welcome, New Congress!
    As we kicked off 2021 full of hope for the future, we also welcomed a new Congress to Capitol Hill. The 117th Congress first convened on January 3, 2021, and now that they are settled in, we believe it is time for the GBS|CIDP and variants community to reach out and introduce our Representative and…
  • Why Rare Conditions Deserve Attention and Recognition as a Global Health Concern
    As Rare Disease Day is approaching, CSL Behring is in touch with leaders of patient advocacy groups to explain why rare conditions deserve attention and recognition as a global health concern. Click here to read what Lisa Butler, the Executive Director of GBS|CIDP Foundation, and other nonprofits have to say. Having any disease can be…
  • You Have CIDP…Now What?
    You Have CIDP…Now What? Join GBS|CIDP and NeuroCareLive for a new online patient education: “You Have CIDP…Now What?”  A panel of CIDP experts and patients discuss CIDP symptoms, tests used to confirm diagnoses, best practices to select treatment, and tips on how to talk with doctors about your care. Panelists explain current treatment options for…

Voices Around the World

  • Meeting of GBS|CIDP Switzerland
    Meeting of GBS|CIDP Switzerland University Hospital Balgrist at Zurich On October 26, 2024, around 50 members of the GBS/CIDP Initiative Switzerland gathered at Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich for a valuable event focused on exchange and education. The day provided our members with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Chronic…
  • The Big Get Together
    The Big Get Together Article was written by: Claire Shaw, CIDP Patient and GAIN Community Member When Rich asked me whether I wanted to say a few words today about the GBS and CIDP community, it made me wonder precisely how long I’ve been a member of the club that no one wants to be…


  • Born to run: Brooklyn man diagnosed with rare disease is back doing what he loves
    In honor of GBS|CIDP Awareness Month, Michael Ring, GBS patient, shares his story with News12 The Bronx.
  • Community Finding Comfort with Rare Disorder
    Rick Forney, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director for the Roanoke Chapter and GBS patient, hosted a chapter meeting during May Awareness Month, which brought together several patients and care partners. This support meeting was featured in the WFXR Fox news article called, “A community finding comfort living with a rare disorder.”
  • Making the Most of Now Podcast
    Clive Phillips, MMN Patient, created the Making the Most of Now Podcast to bring together the Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) community to discuss this rare neurological condition and related ones. He connects with medical experts, patients, and their supporters to inform and inspire our community.
  • The Realities of Life with CIDP
    Crystal Sada, CIDP Patient, was featured on iHeart Radio, Untold Stories: Life with Myasthenia Gravis, The Realities of Life with CIDP and share how her life has been drastically impacted by this rare condition.

Youth, Teen and Young Adults

  • Angela’s Adaptive Devices
    Written by Angela Patton Angela Patton is a member of GBS|CIDP’s Advisory Committee. In 2017, after an eight months struggle for a proper diagnosis, Angela was diagnosed with CIDP.  Here is Angela’s story… I was barely able to walk, and struggled during this time in my educational, and professional life. I have been on various…
  • Children with rapid-onset paralysis: is it GBS?
    Children with rapid-onset paralysis: is it GBS? by Patricia Blomkwist An interesting article* was published in the “European Journal of Neurology” about a study in children. Prof. Bart Jacobs (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) was one of the authors. He wondered why, contrary to expectations, some children diagnosed with GBS did not recover well….
  • Coping with School & Treatment Plan for GBS|CIDP
    By Megan Kaump A diagnosis of GBS, CIDP, or variants is frightening and devastating for anyone, but when a child is diagnosed it adds a very different set of emotions and experiences. It is heart- breaking to see your child go through such challenges and there is the added component of how the child’s schooling…
  • FIRST Teen & Young Adult Zoom Chat
    By Meg Mains The GBS-CIDP Foundation International hosted their FIRST Teen & Young Adult Zoom gathering on December 8th. It was a great way to meet other patients and share their experiences with GBS, CIDP, & variant conditions. Meg Mains, Youth, Teen, & Young Adult Team Lead, and Michael Coleman, YTA Spokesperson hosted the virtual…
  • Live Webinar: Bee Needle Fear Friendly
    Dr. Amy Baxter presents: Bee Needle Fear Friendly This program will present options to assess and reduce needle fear, pain, and vasovagal syncope with Ig therapy, including topical anesthetics, cognitive interventions, and Buzzy best practices. After this program, the participant will be able to: Describe how differences in pharmacology and physiology influence analgesic choices for Ig procedures Cite…
  • The Sport of Staying Home
    By Kaitlyn Lorant PT, DPTYTA Committee Member For individuals with GBS or CIDP, rehabilitation is of the utmost importance. While in quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be daunting to create new and engaging activities to maintain strength, flexibility, and aerobic endurance. This article compiles a list of some fun, yet feasible exercises and…