September Hill Visit

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In anticipation of the Foundation’s most recent iteration of our Medicare IVIG Access Enhancement Act being introduced in the House of Representatives in the coming days, Foundation staff Chelsey Fix and Ellie Herman went down to Capitol Hill for a day of on-the-ground advocacy. Joined by Health and Medicine Counsel staff, they met with 6 offices including Representatives Kevin Hern (Oklahoma), Brad Schneider (Illinois), Brian Higgins (New York), Ron Estes (Kansas), David Schweikert (Arizona), and Carol Miller (West Virginia).  

The focus of these meetings was to bring awareness to the GBS, CIDP, MMN, and variants communities, and highlight the importance of providing patients who take IVIG with a choice of where they receive their treatments. Receiving treatment at an infusion center is not always the most accessible and affordable option for many, so for those who age onto Medicare, our bill would expand Medicare Part B to cover home infusions of IVIG for patients with CIDP and MMN.  

The Foundation is looking forward to being back on the Hill, where we will be joined by 60 patients and care partners who will share their stories with their own Representatives for our 2023 International Symposium Hill Day on October 5th.  

To learn more about our legislative agenda, visit For any questions about our agenda or the upcoming Hill Day, please contact