Speaker Series Webinar: “Workplace Accommodations”

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Speaker Series – Episode 10 Summary

In this Speaker Series episode, we talked with Ms. Michele Dearing, a member of our board of directors and attourney in Washington, DC. Michele is a GBS survivor and currently lives with CIDP. She’s very active in many of our patient programs and advocacy initiatives.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this webinar comes from Michele’s personal experience and is not legal advice.

Michele’s Story

Did your employer require you to have a doctor’s note, or did they need you to provide some sort of proof of your condition?  

What is FMLA?

Should patients disclose their condition during the interview? Is there any legality around withholding their medical information?

What is considered reasonable accommodation? What would be considered reasonable accommodation specifically for CIDP?

How do you determine what your needed accommodations are?

What is considered an unreasonable accommodation? Would requesting a ramp be considered unreasonable?

How can I be certain that I won’t lose my job? Is there any way to guarantee that my employer is not going to let me go once I’ve disclosed my condition and asked for accommodation?

What’s the first thing that you should do if you feel like you’re being discriminated against?  

Is there free legal advice? Are there any websites that offer free legal advice?

Have you ever been asked to have one of your physicians or healthcare providers contact your employer other than just writing something up?

Do some people work through their infusions?  

Are there any accommodations in the workplace that would be available for caregivers?  

Can I take some time off using sick leave or vacation leave?

Are there a certain number of weeks that FMLA offers?

Are there any other resources available for care partners like that that don’t quite fill the requirement of FMLA, such as siblings?

Any other benefits or resources out there?  

Was there any specific place on our website, conversations, or events that you recommend other people connect with at the Foundation here?

Closing Remarks


Job Accommodation Network

Advocacy Resource – Fact Sheet About the ADA

Educational Videos about GBS, CIDP, and MMN

U.S Department of Labor Website