NEW Bill in Congress Aims to Help Improve Access to Home Infusion IVIG for CIDP and MMN Patients, HR 3808

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As a result of the community coming together this year, the Foundation is proud to share the wonderful news that our Congressional champions, led by Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Congressman G.K. Butterfield, and Congressman Chris Smith, have introduced a new bill that aims to help improve coverage of home infusion of IVIG for CIDP and MMN patients on Medicare. Because of the dozens of letters submitted through the Advocacy Action Center this year and the tireless teamwork of the volunteers, we are moving a step closer to improving access to a lifesaving therapy for our community. 

So what happens now?

The bill – titled “To provide for a demonstration project to further examine the benefits of providing coverage and payment for items and services necessary to administer intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) in the home, and for other purposes” and numbered HR 3808 – will now be an active bill in the House of Representatives. You can read the full bill text at this link – The Foundation will hold meetings with other Congressional offices and ask for Members to become cosponsors of this bill. The more cosponsors of HR 3808, the more likely it will be considered by the relevant committee and brought to the floor for a vote. At the same time, we will also look to introduce a companion bill in the Senate. Remember, a bill must pass both the House and Senate before it goes to be signed into law by the president!

How can you help?

Help us tell Congress that this bill is important! Share your story with your Representative by writing to them through our Advocacy Action Center

Still want to do more? Consider joining our 50 to Forward campaign and become an advocacy leader! Our leaders in the 50 to Forward group will lead meetings with Congressional staff during our Month of Action in October. Click here to learn more –

Thank you to everyone who shared their story to help our advocacy efforts! We are honored to work with the community on these important issues.