Validation of Skin Biopsy to Detect Nerve Demyelination in the Diagnosis and Treatment of CIDP at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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Validation of Skin Biopsy to Detect Nerve Demyelination in the Diagnosis and Treatment of CIDP at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

We are doing this study to learn if a novel test using skin biopsy of the finger could prove to bea better diagnostic test for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) than the current test. We will be recruiting patients with new diagnosis of CIDP within the last 6 months who will be receiving IVIg to participate. We hope that this test will not only prove to be a better way to diagnose CIDP, but will also tell us how CIDP improves with treatment.

Am I Eligible?
You must be 18-80 years old. You must have a diagnosis of CIDP made within the last 6 months.
You must be able to be treated with IVIg which is FDA approved for CIDP. You must not have an identified alternative cause for peripheral neuropathy such as Hepatitis B or C. You must not be pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. You must not have a problem with bleeding or scarring as we will be performing skin biopsies during the study. The study coordinator will provide you with a full list of requirements for participation.

Study Visits
The length of this study is 6 months. Visits will occur every 12 weeks, or three months for a total of 4 visits. Please ask the study coordinator to explain the details of the visit schedule.

Will I be Paid to Take Part?
We understand that you may have to pay for travel, parking, and meals in order to come to your clinic visits and that this can be burdensome. To help offset some of these costs, we will pay you up to $900 for participating in this study.

Interested in participating? Contact Diana Davis at or call (615) 322-8957