The GBS|CIDP Foundation’s remains committed to the four pillars: support, education, research and advocacy. Your participation in the Pillar Society allows the Foundation to sustain its dedication to impactful programs that improve the lives of those affected by GBS, CIDP and related variants such as MMN. Join the Pillar Society today and confirm your commitment to the longstanding generosity of philanthropic-minded patients, families, caregivers, and supporters.
1. President’s Circle
In recognition of cumulative gifts reaching $10,000 or more. President’s Circle members demonstrate leadership in philanthropy. This group of leadership donors make financial commitments of gifts that enable the greatest impact for the Foundation. In appreciation for their gifts, President’s circle members receive special recognition throughout the year.
2. 1980 Society
In recognition of donors who have given more than twenty donations. Since its founding in 1980, the Foundation has relied on the generosity of friends to grow into the outstanding organization that it is today. The 1980 Society donors are the most loyal donors and play a significant role in the past, present and future of the Foundation. In appreciation for their loyalty, 1980 Society members will receive special recognition throughout the year.
3. Legacy Circle
The Legacy Circle recognizes individuals who have named the Foundation as a beneficiary in their Estate plans and have named the Foundation as a beneficiary in their will, charitable gift annuity, charitable trust, or similar vehicle. All individuals who have included the Foundation in their estate plans, and have made their intentions known are invited into membership in the Legacy Circle. Legacy Circle members will be recognized.
4. Ambassadors
These Special donors give the gift of time and leadership. Ambassadors are individuals who have engaged the community in the name of the Foundation. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: Chairing a Chapter meeting, chairing a Walk & Roll, Chairing a specific fundraiser and conducting an Advocacy event by making a Congressional visit. In recognition of their dedication to the Foundation, Ambassadors will receive special recognition for the events they lead.
All members of the Pillar Society receive a Pillar Society pin as a token of gratitude and to signify membership to this compassionate group of donors.
Increase your donation or hold an event today to become a member of this valuable group of supporters! To plan your advancement into our Pillar Society, contact the Foundation, today!