My Wife, Best Friend & Hero
By John Harchar
My hero is my wife and best friend, Ann. She was stricken down with an unknown disease on May 2, 2011. After one month in multiple hospitals, she was diagnosed with the Miller Fisher variant of GBS. At that time, she was paralyzed from the neck down, mostly blind, had difficulty breathing and uncontrollable flailing limbs. She started a 5 dose regiment of IVIG, and by July 4, 2011, she was home, unable to stand and wheelchair bound.
Her first therapist, Luann, asked he if she wanted to get out of the chair and she responded ‘Of course!’. Luann helped her get to a walker. Then Richard, her second therapist, got her to stand and walk unaided. She stills sees Pamela, her third therapist every other week to help with gait and balance issues. She goes to the gym religiously twice a week and works out in aqua-therapy daily. To the untrained eye, she appears normal, but she is in constant pain and has to concentrate to accomplish the simplest task. She has worked so very hard to come as far as she has; she can walk unaided, takes care of her little ‘Buddy’, and is able to accomplish most things she sets her mind to. She has never wavered in her desire ‘be normal again’, and is the strongest-willed person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, let alone share my life with. She is and will always be, MY HERO!!