Contact Information
Website Information
- Outpatient Department of Neurology +31 (0)20 5662500
- Secretariat of Neurology +31 (0)20 5663842
- Secretariat of Pediatric Neurology +31 (0)20 566 7508
Fax Information
- Secretariat Of Neurology +31 (0)20 5669374
- Secretariat Of Pediatric Neurology +31 (0) 20 5669181
Email Information
- Adult Neurology
- Pediatric Neurology
Adult and Child Care
Prof dr M. de Visser,
Dr A.J. van der Kooi,
Dr C. Verhamme
Adult Care
Prof dr I.N. van Schaik,
Dr F. Eftimov
Child Care
Prof dr B.T. Poll-The,
Dr B. Jaeger
Other Notes
Procedure for making appointments
A normal appointment can be made by phone +31(0)20 5662500 (adults) or +31 (0)20 566 7508 (children). You need a referral-letter from a general physician or other specialist.
A request for an second opinion can be made through your treating neurologist/specialist only. A letter or e-mail explaining the reason for the referral together with all necessary medical information such as medical letters, notes, results of ancillary investigations (laboratory, EMG, and imaging) and so on can be sent to (adults) or (children). Please address the letter or e-mail to the Neuromuscular Center AMC.
After receipt of this information, you will be contacted to make an appointment at the clinic of the neuromuscular specialist who is most qualified to deal with your problem.