My Fiancé, My Hero
I would absolutely adore and be incredibly grateful to honor my fiancé, Adam Coleman, as an amazing, loving, and supportive caregiver.
As of my GBS diagnosis in January 2018, I am still trying to process life in my “new normal” and have been battling with incessant, overwhelming, and life-changing residual effects from my diagnosis. My daily symptoms consist of chronic pain, extreme neuropathy and as very few (except my close family, friends, and the GBS/ CIDP network) understand – mental health interruptions due solely to my diagnosis and my inability to be who I once was. These characteristics together are infrequently understood by others of what this life is truly like.
Although terrified himself, Adam immediately stepped into his new role of my number one supportive caregiver when we were still trying to figure out what was happening. I fell ill on my 28th birthday, him 27- and our son who had just turned 2. I can absolutely say with a genuine heart and insurmountable confidence that I would not be where I am today without him. I am a warrior by heart and as ashamed as my pride feels it is to admit- he had to keep my heart going quite a few times. He and our son keep me going to this very moment- of course even more on my not very good days.
Adam’s constant insight into life and light- his daily reminders of who I am, that I am not defined by this, and that we are all in it together- is an immeasurable act of love and support in my journey. Not only did/ does he physically care for me in ways that I couldn’t/ no longer can, he is there for me emotionally and mentally as well- always ensuring that he considers and nurtures this new part of my life that he isn’t required to do. More important than any of this is his understanding of all of this- the uncertainty and unknown. The “flares”, the new symptoms, the lifestyle that does not coincide with our age, and my constant inconsistency of “how I’m feeling” that day. He has taken his role in all of this so seriously and almost three years later- has allowed his life to change because mine changed. This all happened so fast, and his loving and poised assertiveness regarding our ability to overcome it all on a daily basis is a true blessing that I wish I could gift to everyone in our GBS|CIDP community. I will forever be grateful to this wonderful man for not only buckling up to get on this ride with me- but for staying on and continuing to show me that beauty and love exists in so much more than what we are ever taught or told to consider.
-Elizabeth Hunt