Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Foundation is committed sharing the most accurate information from the world’s leading experts, many from our Global Medical Advisory Board. The COVID-19 situation changes daily and we will continue to share updates that are vetted by the experts in GBS. In addition we are in regular contact with the FDA representing the patient voice in the top-level decision making. We understand that there are many opinions creating confusion so please consider the source of your information before drawing conclusions.  As always, all decisions should be made with your personal physician based on your own health.  Please continue to check our website for updated information.

Stay connected with the GBS|CIDP Foundation community.

APLUS Statement on the State of Plasma

The American Plasma Users Coalition (APLUS) recognizes and applauds the recent statements from the White House that emphasize the importance of plasma and how essential plasma donors are to the healthcare system. This statement rings true for convalescent plasma that may help countless patients battling COVID-19 and is especially true for people all over the…

Wrap Up With A Win – Awareness Month’s Advocacy Week Brings Legislative Victories

Our 2020 May Awareness Month went digital this year, but that did not stop nearly 100 advocates across the US from participating in virtual advocacy through the Advocacy Action Center. THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to create a letter for Members of Congress. Together, we make our voices heard by lawmakers and…

The COVID-19 Rare Disease Critical Needs Non-Medical Assistance Fund from The National Organization of Rare Disorders

The National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) launched a COVID-19 Critical Relief Program to provide much-needed assistance to members of the rare community affected by the current pandemic. The program provides financial relief that may be utilized to support critical, non-medical needs.  The COVID-19 Critical Needs Non-Medical Assistance Fund provides eligible individuals impacted by the…

What is Convalescent Plasma?

By Dr. David Saperstein Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) play an important role in health and illness. Many of you regularly receive intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) to treat your autoimmune disease. Flooding a person’s system with antibodies from normal, healthy individuals can reverse problems caused by abnormally overactive immune systems. However, providing antibodies that fight a specific infection can…

Update on Home Infusion & Medicare During COVID-19 Pandemic

Earlier this week, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released new guidelines for the coverage of home infusion during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new guidelines allow for more flexibility for patients and their physicians to decide the best setting for ongoing treatments. Given your current situation, you may be able to access home…

NHC Webinar – Coronavirus Preparedness for People with Chronic Diseases, What Caregivers Need to Know

COVID-19 is causing significant concerns globally. Watch a recording of this March 27 Webinar produced by the National Health Council, for caregivers of patients with chronic diseases. The webinar discusses how caregivers can best avoid the illness and care for themselves while also helping those who are not well.

Advocating for Plasma Donations and Home Infusion

The GBS|CIDP Foundation International recently led the American Plasma Users Coalition (APLUS) in creating a letter to federal and state agencies regarding two important topics to our community: plasma donations and home infusion. The Foundation and APLUS want to make sure that lawmakers are aware that plasma collection centers are considered “essential” according to the…